I'm not familiar with the exact workflow in QGIS, but I think you could
probably fully automate this process with it.

On the data side, just download a county PBF file (for example from
geofabrik), and convert it to a database. I always use spatialite for
things like this, here's a manual:
Or you could use the shapefiles provided there.

Then you need a set of rendering rules. There seem to be some basic styles
around that you could reuse:
Updating your maps would just be a matter of replacing the source files.

Third, you should be able to rotate through the set of places with the
Atlas function.
Last, export to PDF; I have no idea if QGIS can produce the kind of PDFs
you need.

2017-12-22 10:06 GMT+01:00 Bjoern Hassler <bjohas...@gmail.com>:

> Dear Frederik, dear Paul,
> Thank you for your message! I suppose I made the mistake of asking for a
> technical fix, rather than fully explaining the problem...
> I have 40 small, discontinues areas in Ghana (the 40 public colleges of
> education), like this
> http://www.openstreetmap.org/way/450562441#map=16/7.4129/0.4631
> and I want to produce print. The files itself will be downloaded locally
> (or emailed), and then printed locally. So the file needs to be small, and
> print resolution (say for A2 or A3).
> We're actively editing this at the moment (and have been over the last
> year), so we'd like to print from up-to-date data.
> Print + small files, means PDF, as its vector, and can be printed at any
> size. I assume PNG at 300dpi, A3, would be massive.
> There aren't loads of areas, and manual export would be ok. However,
> because the areas are discontinuous, I am looking for a solution where I
> can work from lat/lon, rather than having to manually select areas. Once
> this would be ok, but we'd like to be able to repeat the export later. Most
> tools don't allow you to go back to maps that you've already produced, to
> reprint simply with data a year on.
>> https://operations.osmfoundation.org/policies/tiles/
>> ...
> so using a script to produce these PDFs would violate the policy except
>> in rare circumstances where running the script is triggered by a user
>> request.
> I'd be quite happy to click manually. At the moment, I enter the values
> for scale manually, resize the browser window so it gives me the right
> nominal dimensions (for PDF), then export. However, it would be helpful to
> have a preconfigured link, that gives me my settings (scale, dimensions).
>> * download and stitch tiles, convert to PDF; search for "OSM bigmap" for
>> different implementations.
> * use the "staticmap" script on openstreetmap.de like this:
>> http://staticmap.openstreetmap.de/staticmap.php?center=40,-
>> 50&zoom=2&size=500x350
>> Both will only give you standard resolution raster images.
> As above, vector would be preferable.
>> You could
>> also try
>> * https://maposmatic.osm-baustelle.de/ (a working fork of the
>> discontinued MapOsMatic project, does PDFs)
> I'll see whether it's possible to generate maps of predefined areas or
> re-print maps (with the same boundaries). At least from the web UI, it
> doesn't look like it.
>> * http://printmaps-osm.de:8080/ (Europe only, quarterly data updates,
>> does PDFs in theory but currently only PNG works)
> I'm outside Europe, and need up-to-date data.
>> or if you're on Windows or willing to use Mono, Maperitive can also
>> generate PDFs for any region using data from Overpass, and it's
>> scriptable (even headless).
> OK, I'll have a look. However, it looks like it produces only SVG, which
> I'd then have to process.
>> Of course, the canonical solution is "install your own
>> postgres/mapnik/nik4.py and run it locally" ;)
> Paul, why is the recommendation to produce PNG first?
> Thanks both for you input - much appreciated!!
> Bjoern
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