I just wanted to thank you for
working on this.

(Sadly I have no useful comments,
hopefully such message is ok)

11 Jun 2020, 05:32 by dev@openstreetmap.org:

> I've been busy with
> On 2020-05-24 10:26 p.m., Joseph Eisenberg wrote:
>> Thank you for making this, it looks like a lot of work!
>> These client-side vector tiles at z8? 
>> (https://pnorman.dev.openstreetmap.org/cartographic/mapbox-gl.html)
>> My laptop (2015 Macbook Pro, 16 GB RAM, 2.2 GHz Intel Core i7) appears to 
>> use some effort to show areas with a large amount of data,
>> For example if I view England + Wales on z8 and then move over to the 
>> Netherlands and then to Germany, at z7 and z8,
>> CPU usage goes up to >100% for a time, and there is a noticeable delay. 
>> Perhaps part of this is a delay in serving the tiles?
> I turned on Content-Encoding based compression which cuts the bytes 
> transferred in half. This helps significantly.
> In general vector tiles have more large tiles, even if the average tile size 
> is the same. The largest z8 tile in the area is 1MB transfer size while an 
> average weighted by requests on the tile.osm.org level 2 cache is 189k 
> uncompressed. For comparison, four z9 raster tiles from tile.osm.org are 
> about 200kb, a fifth of the bytes transferred. Retina tiles would decrease 
> the size different.
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