Thanks for the info, Rohit. Please let us know if/when you open source it.


On Thursday, February 12, 2015, Jain, Rohit (Trafodion) <>

> Samarth,
> Gunnar, our Chief Technologist on DSM can answer all your questions but
> briefly:
> 1.  The Phoenix log table can be a source for the central repository but
> the central repository is in Vertica (you can use the community edition).
> This could be any database and we are working on making Trafodion the
> repository soon. It requires making all the DDL and DML work with this new
> Central Management Instance (CMI) repository.
> 2.  Various means can be used to access the Data Service Instance
> (Phoenix) data to map to the normalized schema of the CMI. When Gunnar
> presents it to you he can cover these mechanisms.
> 3.  The UI dashboards and whiteboard provide these capabilities against
> the CMI.  Vertica's analytical support helps with that. Trafodion has most
> of that support but would require changing some queues and pulling some of
> it into the client.
> 4.  We would like to open source it but have not made that decision as
> yet.  There are potential open source models short of open sourcing all of
> it.  But the pricing model for it in the interim is an open source pricing
> model.
> Rohit
> On Feb 11, 2015, at 8:49 PM, Samarth Jain <
> <javascript:;>< <javascript:;>>> wrote:
> Hi Rohit,
> I am interested in knowing more about DSM and its capabilities. I have
> some questions:
> 1) Phoenix logs the traces in a Phoenix table. Can a Phoenix table work as
> a DSM repository?
> 2) Does DSM expect data to be in a particular format or does it provide a
> means to plug in you own data puller (JDBC, REST etc)?
> 3) Does it provide an analytical engine that can roll up data (among other
> operations) and slice and dice it on various dimensions?
> 4) Is it open sourced? From the email it sounded like it isn't.
> Thanks,
> Samarth
> On Wed, Feb 11, 2015 at 11:11 AM, Tapper, Gunnar <
> <javascript:;>< <javascript:;>>> wrote:
> JMX interfaces are fine, too.
> Thank you,
> Gunnar
> Download a free version of HPDSM, a unified big-data administration tool
> for Vertica and Hadoop at: HP DSM Download<
> >
> “People don’t know what they want until you show it to them… Our task is
> to read things that are not yet on the page.” — Steve Jobs
> From: Jain, Rohit (Trafodion)
> Sent: Wednesday, February 11, 2015 11:54 AM
> To: Nick Dimiduk; <javascript:;><mailto:
> <javascript:;>>
> Cc: Tapper, Gunnar
> Subject: RE: Phoenix monitoring
> Thanks Nick!  Yes Data Services Manager (DSM) does provide the kind of
> perspective Pari is looking for but not for Phoenix.  Actually, if Phoenix
> is providing metrics and information in a repository or via a REST
> interface, on queries, elapsed times, etc. then certainly it could be
> incorporated into DSM.  Trafodion is doing that now in R1.0 and we are
> working on having DSM provide full support for Trafodion along with
> complete support for HBase (some of it being already there), in order to
> provide a comprehensive view of all workloads from HDFS, HBase, to SQL.  We
> did have plans to provide a SDK so that data services like Phoenix could be
> easily plugged into DSM.  Not a hard task – just time and effort ☺.
> If Pari is interested, we can certainly demo the tool and go from there
> based on interest.
> Rohit
> From: Nick Dimiduk [ <javascript:;><mailto:
> <javascript:;>>]
> Sent: Wednesday, February 11, 2015 9:01 AM
> To: <javascript:;><
> <javascript:;>>< <javascript:;><mailto:
> <javascript:;>>>
> Cc: Jain, Rohit (Trafodion)
> Subject: Re: Phoenix monitoring
> Hi Pari,
> I'm not aware of a Phoenix-aware, end-to-end solution here. You can
> probably write a custom collector for a Phenox application that can report
> into OpenTSDB; I think JDBC metrics are available via JMX. That would be a
> great addition for that project!
> I've also seen a product demo from HP that does a lot of this for other
> tools on HBase, though I don't think it supports Phoenix yet (cc Rohit).
> Thanks,
> Nick
> On Wednesday, February 11, 2015, Pariksheet Barapatre <
> <javascript:;><
> <javascript:;>>< <javascript:;><mailto:
> <javascript:;>>>> wrote:
> Hello All,
> Can you suggest good monitoring tool for phoenix. Our QA hbase cluster is
> crashing randomly. We wanted to know stats like which query causing the
> issue and how many queries running on that particular time window, resource
> consumption of query etc.
> Cheers
> Pari

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