The current use-case would be to replace a protocol adapter with a one-to-one 
replacement built with plc4x. The companies I talked to would probably request 
several hundred addresses for each iteration :-( so it's an extremely likely 
use-case. But also not too hard to implement


Outlook for Android<> herunterladen

From: Justin Mclean <>
Sent: Tuesday, March 6, 2018 10:48:45 PM
Subject: Re: [DISCUSS] Thinking of a first release?


>  not having implemented the PDU Fragmentation will cause problems with the 
> driver in real world scenarios (more than 15 addresses requested form the plc)

How often would a user run into this in the real world? If that that frequent 
we may not need it for a 0.1 (or whatever we name it) release.


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