Hi Chris,

oh, I didnt know that.

Then I'm definetly for the new Date/Time API.


Von: Christofer Dutz <christofer.d...@c-ware.de>
Gesendet: Montag, 20. August 2018 21:26:56
An: dev@plc4x.apache.org
Betreff: Re: Refactoring of Drivers

Hi Julian,

Well our codebase compiles to Java 8 and we use the Java 8 API quite a lot.
So we couldn't go below Java 8 anyway so this wouldn't make things worse.
I doubt it will prevent us from using newer versions.


Am 20.08.18, 21:20 schrieb "Julian Feinauer" <j.feina...@pragmaticminds.de>:

    Hi Chris,

    yes, JSR 310 definetly made Java a better place, the only problem is that 
you than tie yourself to Java 8.

    But if everybody else agrees we can do that.

    For us this is no problem as we are on Java 8 naturally but I dont know 
about others.

    And I also agree with your argument regarding the Byte.

    The only thing I had in mind is that the interface is somewhat 

    I see your point with the generic getter and we can also skipt then 
everybody who wants something like that shoult take the "get()" method and do 
the cast on its own risk.


    Von: Christofer Dutz <christofer.d...@c-ware.de>
    Gesendet: Montag, 20. August 2018 20:50:00
    An: dev@plc4x.apache.org
    Betreff: Re: Refactoring of Drivers

    Hi Julian,

    well I would definitely not remove the getByte as this is sort of a core 
data-type for PLC programming.
    Also I think most of the others shouldn't come with much payload. If we 
have the largest type behind the scenes, the "asInteger" or "asLong" sort of 
come for free.
    Not quite sure about the generic getter as it will probably produce 
ClassCastExceptions or require quite some reflection or cascades of instanceof 

    Regarding the Dates and times ... doing some reading it seems that both 
Date and Calendar seem to be pretty flawed and the "new kid on the block" is 
JSR 310 (Date & Time API)
    Found a good German article on this: 
    I wish I had had a look at this before just now ;-) ... I especially like 
the "LocalDate", "LocalTime" and "LocalDateTime" seems with this the natural 
differentiation between Date and Time is now possible without hacks.


    Am 20.08.18, 17:02 schrieb "Julian Feinauer" <j.feina...@pragmaticminds.de>:

        Hi Chris,

        I totally agree with all you are writing.

        We do not necessarily need a isXXX method if we provide a method

        Object get()

        and everyone is able to handle it "generic" downstream.

        I also agree that Calendar is reasonable the only think I wanted to 
point out is that we should have a discussion about the API and which are the 
default types we offer. In our current implementation we use only the "widest" 
types, i.e., Long and Double because we are not that much constricted with 
resources and it eases some things.

        For me the interface could look like









        getDate() // Should we use Calendar or LocalDate? Java 8 DateTime >> 
Java.util.date but what about downwards compatibility?

        <T> T get(Class<T> clazz)

        Object get()

        * = could be omitted from MY perspective

        What do you think?


        Am 20.08.18, 16:30 schrieb "Christofer Dutz" 

            Hi Julian,

            do we really need the "isXYZ" methods? Cause even if a SHORT is 
read, I should still be able to get a "Short", "Integer", "Long", "Float", 
"Double", ... from that. Ok if I call getShort() on a String, this should 
produce a Exception. But this is an exception thrown because we are doing 
something silly and it would produce the same Exception for all protocols.

            I also think we should have a set of types defined by the API ... 
The driver knows how to interpret this information and convert it to a set of 
basic Java types. I doubt that there is any PLC with a local-datetime as I have 
never come across one that would support that. So returning Calendar is a good 
option. Per default it has the default time-zone, if a plc would make timezone 
information available, additionally the timezone could be set. I would also 
prefer to use Calendar as default type for Dates and Time as using the Date is 
being seen as deprecated.

            Of course would we have to change something in the API. This was 
the reason, why I was so hesitant to do a first release as I knew that there 
will be changes and I wante to do most of the big ones before a firtst release.


            Am 20.08.18, 11:31 schrieb "Julian Feinauer" 

                Hi Chris,

                I didnt mea nto ignore GC at all but I usually hold it with 
Donald E Knuth (Preliminary optimization ist he root of all evil) and I am 
careful to base a desgin on such considerations except there are really good 
reasons for.

                I also dont like throwing an Exception at all, we need a better 

                But what I can imagene in our use cases is that we have a DB 
Table containing lots of "Adresses" and frequencies and then scraping goes on.

                And for us it would be best to get a Hint about the type from 
the address object itself (It knows the type) or from the ReadResponse as you 

                What I would not like would be to store the Connection Info, 
the Address and a Return Type in my config.

                Thus for us it would also be viable to have methods like




                which indicates wheter one can call the respective typesafe 

                And by CustomTypes I did not meant this "JPA" idea I meant that 
we should then agree on a fixed catalog of supported "basic" types.

                For example in the ADS Implemenentation Calendar is used. And 
we should add a getter for all these basic types but if someone would e.g. need 
a LocalDateTime or something we have no real possibility to support that, 
expect possibly something like

                <T> T get(Class<T> clazz)

                But overall I could agree on Solution which makes the 
ReadResponse as a value Object with several "typed" Getters as this comes 
pretty close to our current solution.

                But this would mean to consider a major API Change, or?


                Am 20.08.18, 10:35 schrieb "Christofer Dutz" 

                    Hi Julian,

                    I wouldn't like to throw exceptions for individual drivers 
as this sort of undermines the "code against any PLC you want" paradigm.

                    Isn't a ReadResponseItem exactly such a "Value" object?

                    And I do care about keeping the GC do as little as possible 
work, as especially on Edge devices this could be a problem due to the nature 
of limited CPU and Memory resources.

                    We could implement the getLong etc. as default 

                    Custom Types is probably going to be a challenge and 
currently I haven't invested too much time in them. But just for the sake of 
ensuring that we are talking about the same thing:

                    You are probably talking about something like "struct" in 
C. So I request something that is returned as a custom data structure instead 
of requesting each item individually ... correct?

                    While working on the EtherNet/IP protocol, I just came 
across this problem (if you only provide classId and instanceId, this should be 
able to return all the attributes of this instance.

                    Maybe it would be cool to solve this problem a little more 
generic. Remember this "JPA" layer on top of the driver we were talking about?

                    You could register Data structures with the Driver and 
instead of a response containing multiple response-items, you would get one 
POJO back. Now the driver could optimize this internally.

                    So if a driver supports custom types, this feature is used, 
if it doesn't the items are individually requested.

                    Just some thoughts on this.


                    Am 20.08.18, 10:09 schrieb "Julian Feinauer" 

                        Hi Chris,

                        I am thinking about this, basically since I saw the 

                        I'm not sure about giving it up as it is a really 
central part of the API but on the other hand Java Generics make live hard from 
time to time.

                        What we currently do in our implementation is to hide 
away the internal java type behind a "Value" Interface whch has typesafe 
getters as you state it.

                        This gives all flexibility as each Value Implementation 
can decide which getters to implement and which not.

                        On the other hand the main drawbacks are

                        1. If you don't provide a getter you throw an Exception 
which is pretty bad for the caller, if he is uncertain about your type

                        2. For very high throughputs you put some pressure on 
GC as you allocate a LOT of short lived objects (this should be minor in our 

                        Another note with regards to the ADS Implementation is 
that there are also other types which can be requested (Some Specific Date 
Format, I think) which we should support also.

                        Currently I would prefer a "bridge" with an interface 

                        <T> T getAs(Class<T> clazz, Object value)

                        Which does the conversion with "instanceof" checks.

                        On the other hand, all of these approaches do not solve 
the Custom Types problem I think.

                        Last time when thinking about this I developed the Idea 
of this pluggable Encode / Decoder Factory : )

                        @Chris: Do you have an Idea how we could make your idea 
work with 1. The possibility for the caller to get a hint about the types he 
can get and 2. Also for custom types?

                        @Sebastian: You do use custom types in ADS, dont you?



                        Am 20.08.18, 09:57 schrieb "Christofer Dutz" 

                            Hi Julian,

                            I was thinking about exactly this, this morning in 
the train on my way to work.

                            An idea I had was to eventually entirely get rid of 
the TypesafePlc requests and to have 3 or 4 types of items.

                            In general a:






                            "Integer" in the IntegerItem not relating to the 
Java Integer, but more the "Non-Floating-Point Numeric Value".

                            Or even merge the numeric values together and 
provide accessors in the desired type.

                            Something like this:






                            Or even:



                            The payload would always be provided in a 
normalized form that is capable of carrying the largest value of that type.

                            So the dirvers would produce normalized items and 
the items themselves contain what's needed to convert that to one of the other 

                            Good idea? Or not so good ... at the moment I sort 
of like it, but I might not have thought about everything.


                            Am 20.08.18, 09:47 schrieb "Julian Feinauer" 

                                Hi Chris,

                                okay, then I had a wrong assumption. 
Previously, I worked a lot with measurement file formats from automotive 
industry and there you can encounter all and everything in one file.

                                If it is as you states then I agree that a 
small set of static util methods will do the job.

                                Only one question remains for me:

                                How do we deal with the "requested" type and 
the "interal Java Type".

                                As example, all of these statements should be 
valid, I think:




                                But the internal LEConverter.to2ByteInt(...) 
would return something like a Short.class.

                                Wouldn't we need to do the casts explicit as 
otherwise we could receive a ClassCastException or something like that?



                                Am 20.08.18, 09:16 schrieb "Christofer Dutz" 

                                    Hi Julian,

                                    well I don't think this is that much of a 
problem. Every driver type (and sometimes depending on the capabilities of the 
remote) will map one set of types to - let's call them internal Java types.

                                    If one protocol uses LE, it will for all of 
its supported types. I have never come across a protocol, where some are LE and 
some are BE. So it's rather:

                                    // Inside the code of driver XYZ

                                    Switch(type) {

                                     case LINT:

                                             byte[] bytes = // read 4 bytes


                                     case UINT:



                                    Or something like that ...

                                    What do you think?


                                    Am 17.08.18, 17:03 schrieb "Julian 
Feinauer" <j.feina...@pragmaticminds.de>:

                                        Hi Chris,

                                        this is exactly the idea I have in mind.

                                        For me in your step 1 I again see two 

                                        First, you have the decoding logic 
(e.g. your public static float parseIEEE754Float(byte[] in)) and then you have 
all this ugly branching like

                                        If (bytes.length = 4) {

                                             If (isDecimal()) {

                                                     If (isBigEndian()) {

                                                             // Here call the 
static helper method




                                        which I would love to avoid (and which 
makes it perhaps more comfortable for users to implement their drivers).

                                        But perhaps I am making things to 
complicated and we usually have only a small set of possibilities.

                                        Then i agree that we could keep things 
as they are.



                                        Am 17.08.18, 15:38 schrieb "Christofer 
Dutz" <christofer.d...@c-ware.de>:

                                            Hi Julian,

                                            to me it sounds like two separate 

                                            1) Decoding what's coming from the 

                                            2) Converting the decoded types to 
other types as far as that's possible

                                            So the driver should know what the 
bytes mean that come from the PLC and on top of that we could convert that into 
something else.

                                            We would need such a two phase 
conversion to do that anyway, otherwise we would sort of need the cartesian set 
of all combinations of converters.

                                            I do agree that this "interpret 
this integer as a Boolean", or "translate this float into an int" sounds 
universally usable.



                                            Am 17.08.18, 15:03 schrieb "Julian 
Feinauer" <j.feina...@pragmaticminds.de>:

                                                Hi Chris,

                                                you are right with what I want 
to do, let me explain my motivation.

                                                Your example is right but I 
think there are many situations where this is not sufficient, especially with 
regards to the new Address Syntax for S7.

                                                Basically the new syntax allows 
me to state something like this:

                                                "I know that the value is 2 
byte unsigned integer in little Endian Order and I want it back as Long".

                                                So the first idea was that I 
wanted to avoid having many methods for all combinations of Endianness, 
bit-length, Signed / Unsigned and Decimal / Float.

                                                And the second idea to also 
provide narrowing or widening or even conversion out of the box.

                                                I came across this issue when 
thinking about the migration of the current conversion in the S7 driver which 
is like a large if (XXX.class.isInstance(...)) else... and thought it would be 
better for the drive to just say something like

                                                parse(Class<?> target, byte[] 
in, Representation repr)

                                                to avoid the m times n problem 
for Java Types and byte Representation.

                                                But if you (and the other 
driver implementors) do not see this concern that much I can also shift my 
effort to something else.



                                                Am 17.08.18, 14:41 schrieb 
"Christofer Dutz" <christofer.d...@c-ware.de>:

                                                    Hi Julian,

                                                    please let me repeat how I 
understood your proposal:

                                                    You observed that in 
multiple drivers the conversion between byte-array data to the actual Java type 
is pretty similar and would like to wrap that mapping code in some commonly 
shared code base?

                                                    I agree ... if a float is 
transformed as IEEE 754 Floating Point, it doesn't matter what driver this 
belongs to. But on the other side the code for doing this conversion too isn't 
that complex.

                                                    I think in this case 
eventually even a class with static methods should be enough... sort of

                                                     public static float 
parseIEEE754Float(byte[] in);

                                                     public static int 
parseLE32BitInt(byte[] in);


                                                    Maintaining a registry 
component that has to be injected into the drivers of type conversions where 
drivers can register custom converters sounds a little overkill to me.

                                                    If a driver requires other 
conversions, it can implement them itself and if it makes sense to add them to 
the driver-base version, that code is simply moved there.

                                                    What do you think?


                                                    Am 17.08.18, 14:14 schrieb 
"Julian Feinauer" <j.feina...@pragmaticminds.de>:

                                                        Hey al,

                                                        I like to open another 
discussion as I am currently working on another refactoring of the Drivers, 
namely the extraction of "binary" encoders and decoders as common concern. 
After our discussion about the addition of the binary representation to the S7 
driver I observed that several drivers use very similar code to transform java 
types to byte representations of specific flavor (Big Endian, ...).

                                                        Thus my aim is to 
provide a “library” of common encoders and decoders between Java Types and byte 
representations that every driver can use but also register custom Java Types 
and their representation (as it is e.g. needed for ADS, I think).

                                                        Do you agree with this?


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