
agree @cdutz... I am just running an example and it really seems like that.
So I'll try to finish a MWE and perhaps ask on the netty list : )


Am 02.08.19, 16:58 schrieb "Christofer Dutz" <christofer.d...@c-ware.de>:

    Hi Julian,
    Well if I look into my sock drawer at home I think we might be leaking some 
socks ... I agree ... there are several single-socks in there ;-)
    But regarding netty ... yes it is absolutely possible we're not handling 
this correctly as the docs are quite extensive and I didn't bother reading all 
of them ;-)
    So perhaps we should read them or ask some Netty pro
    Am 02.08.19, 16:50 schrieb "Julian Feinauer" <j.feina...@pragmaticminds.de>:
        Hi all,
        we observe a strange behavior in production.
        We are still investigating the exact scenario and it’s a bit complex as 
we have many connections to many plcs and fire many requests through many 
different channels…
        But what we observe is that we get the well known “too many open files” 
Exception ona linux server WHEN one of the plcs gets unreachable (pool will try 
many times to recreate the connection).
        I just checked the Codebase for a Second and I think we are handling 
the exceptions wrong (or not at all?).
        If I understand it correctly from [1] (didn’t bother to check nettys 
doc as its rather poor) we should close the socket somewhere but we ALWAYS do 
super.exceptionCaught() which just propagates it upward in the channel 
hierarchy but seems to NEVER close it.
        Am I wrong with that?
        We try to get create a MWE which reproduces that behavior to check if 
we fix it like that.
        [1] https://www.baeldung.com/netty-exception-handling

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