
I am a research assistant at the University of Stuttgart at the Institute of 
Control Engineering (ISW) and work there in the areas of communication/service 
concepts for automation systems and cloud manufacturing.
Among other things with projects like RetroNet I got in contact with several 
older automation protocols (ADS, S7, Profinet/bus..) and also more recent ones 
like OPC UA and their diversity despite the common goal. That's how I got to 
know Chris, Julian and the initial PLC4X crew :)

Before that I completed a study in software engineering. My main programming 
language would be Java, but I already had a lot of stacks in my hands 
(Javascript, C++, Python, Go, C#, Ada, PHP).

I like to sharpen knives and sometimes distil some schnapps. So if someone 
wants to forget a bug, you can choose between 40 - 80% alcohol content and 5 
flavours ;) If Toddy leaves some.

At the moment I'm working on the OPC UA integration of Milo into PLC4J with the 
documentation (Pls Toddy stop hurting me! ) and a bridge server for the OPC UA 
representation of other protocols in an extra integrated OPC UA server. Our 
institute is quite experienced in TSN and OPC Companion specifications. 
Therefore I try to integrate the project into publicly funded research projects 
to make PLC4X more known and to support the community.

Greetings Matthias

Von: Christofer Dutz <christofer.d...@c-ware.de>
Gesendet: Dienstag, 5. Mai 2020 13:23:42
An: dev@plc4x.apache.org
Betreff: [Introduction] Christofer Dutz

Hi all,

I have noticed that our tram has grown quite a bit in the last year and most of 
you I have never met personally.
We have been discussing a lot of things here on the list and on slack, but I 
only have little background on who you folks actually are.

So I would like to ask anyone interested to just introduce himself in this 

I’ll start:

My name is Christofer Dutz, I’m currently 42 years old and studied 
computer-science at the University of Darmstadt.
I’m the son of an Electro-Engineer and therefore already had contact with all 
of this automation stuff when I was a kid, but somehow lost contact when I 
discovered my interest in computers.

Being an IT guy living near Frankfurt (Germany) there is almost no chance to 
not work for Banks and Insurance companies. So I guess I’ve been working for 
about 12 different Banks and Insurance companies in the last 15 years. I always 
like to compare working for a bank like asking Picasso to paint a portrait, but 
to have him wear a mental-institution restraining jacket and have him paint 
with a brush in his mouth. End of the first quarter of 2017 it was getting so 
unbearable for me, that I was thinking about giving up my profession as an IT 
specialist and even starting to learn something new. I was already looking for 
companies looking for an apprentice as carpenter, when I had another round of 
self-reflection. Even if I probably would have been good as a carpenter, I 
still love doing my job, just not for Banks and Insurance companies.
I was seeing the same with a lot of my colleagues.

It was that time that Industry 4.0 was everywhere … all the problems are easily 
addressable with open-source and a lot of the skills I have from the banking 
would have been a perfect match. So I had a look at what’s missing in this big 
picture and pretty quickly noticed the data-access problem is the biggest 
barrier and no solution being available or in sight.

Luckily at codecentric we have something called “Innovation budget”. Here if 
you’ve got an idea, you can pitch in some shark-tank-like session with the 
board and if they like it, you get the funds for doing that. My idea was to 
build a universal protocol adapter. From the beginning I said I want this to be 
a true open-source project at Apache. The benefit for codecentric would be to 
eliminate the barriers to offering IIoT solutions with our large set of 
professionals in all areas this involves. The board agreed and for the last 3,5 
years I have been paid by codecentric to work on Apache PLC4X full-time.

Outside of the IT world, I love to do sports with others, so I’m usually in the 
gym in some workout and TaeBo courses about 3 times a week, I love snowboarding 
and everything that has anything to do with water.

Another huge passion of mine is melodic electronic music, so usually I travel 
around the Europe visiting different electronic music festivals.

I live in a town called Ober-Ramstadt together with my girlfriend Tanja, where 
we just moved into a house I inherited from my grandpa and which we renovated 
in 2 years of hard work … and still the work doesn’t end … so some-times I fall 
off the face of the earth for a few days cause I’m probably digging trenches 
for the foundation for some wall, or my rain-water system, or … or … or …. 
Guess the digging never stops.

Ok … so I hope this gives you a little impression on who I am and what drives 
me … it would make me happy to see some of you folks also introduce yourself. 
And I would even more love to have a beer with you (Or, as I’m a hessian … a 
big glass of apple wine) 😉


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