Hi all,
Thank you for your stories, great project. I had luck to meet many of
you personally, which I consider a luck given current circumstances.

My name is Łukasz Dywicki, born at 1E.C.7C1 in small polish city.
Privately father and husband. Technician/ironworker by formal education.
I've tried to study computer science twice. Stuck at 2nd year since then.
My first computer was somewhere around 1999 (AMD with 266 MHz clock). I
started doing some HTML in 2002 cause I demaged operating system and
could not fix it. :-) I was too scarred to tell my parents, so had to
keep impression that computer is working. Later I began writing scripts
in PHP. When I finished school in 2005 I imediatelly started working as
web programmer.

Self employeed since December 2008. Apache committer since 2010. Between
2010 and 2017 I did contracts to various companies abroad, primarily
with Apache middleware projects such as Karaf, Camel, CXF, ActiveMQ. I
worked for telecoms, banks, insurance a spent 3 years around billing
data analytics and system integration.
Software integration is my passion.

I can't remember now, how I found Chris now, but I kept an eye on the
PLC4X project since its early beginning. When I saw, how hardware
integration looks I like, I come to the point that it is still a pain
compared to IT. Since Industrie 4.0 is mainly about computerization of
manufacturing I took my bet on it. I'm here because 3 years ago I was
exhausted by consulting and selling my own time. I want to build a
product which realizes "plug & play" concept in a secure way for
machinery, using a form know from the consumer market.

All my small contributions so far are result of my own commitment. I
believe that PLC4X is the best tool available on the market for what it
was invented.

I live now close to Warsaw, which was my base since long time. My
non-computer activities are usually around maintenance of a house,
giving my head and body a pleasure of exercises.


On 05.05.2020 13:23, Christofer Dutz wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have noticed that our tram has grown quite a bit in the last year and most 
> of you I have never met personally.
> We have been discussing a lot of things here on the list and on slack, but I 
> only have little background on who you folks actually are.
> So I would like to ask anyone interested to just introduce himself in this 
> thread.
> I’ll start:
> My name is Christofer Dutz, I’m currently 42 years old and studied 
> computer-science at the University of Darmstadt.
> I’m the son of an Electro-Engineer and therefore already had contact with all 
> of this automation stuff when I was a kid, but somehow lost contact when I 
> discovered my interest in computers.
> Being an IT guy living near Frankfurt (Germany) there is almost no chance to 
> not work for Banks and Insurance companies. So I guess I’ve been working for 
> about 12 different Banks and Insurance companies in the last 15 years. I 
> always like to compare working for a bank like asking Picasso to paint a 
> portrait, but to have him wear a mental-institution restraining jacket and 
> have him paint with a brush in his mouth. End of the first quarter of 2017 it 
> was getting so unbearable for me, that I was thinking about giving up my 
> profession as an IT specialist and even starting to learn something new. I 
> was already looking for companies looking for an apprentice as carpenter, 
> when I had another round of self-reflection. Even if I probably would have 
> been good as a carpenter, I still love doing my job, just not for Banks and 
> Insurance companies.
> I was seeing the same with a lot of my colleagues.
> It was that time that Industry 4.0 was everywhere … all the problems are 
> easily addressable with open-source and a lot of the skills I have from the 
> banking would have been a perfect match. So I had a look at what’s missing in 
> this big picture and pretty quickly noticed the data-access problem is the 
> biggest barrier and no solution being available or in sight.
> Luckily at codecentric we have something called “Innovation budget”. Here if 
> you’ve got an idea, you can pitch in some shark-tank-like session with the 
> board and if they like it, you get the funds for doing that. My idea was to 
> build a universal protocol adapter. From the beginning I said I want this to 
> be a true open-source project at Apache. The benefit for codecentric would be 
> to eliminate the barriers to offering IIoT solutions with our large set of 
> professionals in all areas this involves. The board agreed and for the last 
> 3,5 years I have been paid by codecentric to work on Apache PLC4X full-time.
> Outside of the IT world, I love to do sports with others, so I’m usually in 
> the gym in some workout and TaeBo courses about 3 times a week, I love 
> snowboarding and everything that has anything to do with water.
> Another huge passion of mine is melodic electronic music, so usually I travel 
> around the Europe visiting different electronic music festivals.
> I live in a town called Ober-Ramstadt together with my girlfriend Tanja, 
> where we just moved into a house I inherited from my grandpa and which we 
> renovated in 2 years of hard work … and still the work doesn’t end … so 
> some-times I fall off the face of the earth for a few days cause I’m probably 
> digging trenches for the foundation for some wall, or my rain-water system, 
> or … or … or …. Guess the digging never stops.
> Ok … so I hope this gives you a little impression on who I am and what drives 
> me … it would make me happy to see some of you folks also introduce yourself. 
> And I would even more love to have a beer with you (Or, as I’m a hessian … a 
> big glass of apple wine) 😉
> Chris

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