Hi Sebastian,

if you need some help in setup the wireshark capture software or open
the jira ticket I could help.

It’s definitely worth to follow the Chris suggestion to help him to spot
the real problem.

In the mean time I think you could simplify the PLC query in this way:

|String Url: s7:tcp:// |

|String field: %DB20:5.0:BOOL |

As far as the address of the Data Block and the bool value are correct,
should work.
There were nothing particular wrong in your query but the library is
somewhat “sensible” if something goes wrong in the dialogue with the PLC

An another thing you should pay attention is that the Data Block MUST be
NOT optimized; reading of optimized block is not currently supported.
This shouldn’t be your case because an attempt to read an optimized
block raise an exception or a null value.

Try and let us know.


On 31/08/2020 08:48, Christofer Dutz wrote:

> Hi Sebastian,
> could you possibly do a wireshark recording of this, create an issue in our 
> jira and attach the capture there?
> I am sure we haven't handled all things that could go wrong and with this 
> information I might be able to improve the error handling.
> Chris
> Am 30.08.20, 18:28 schrieb "Sebastian Voss" <svdevl...@gmail.com>:
>     Hi,
>     I’m trying to read a value from an Siemens S7-1200 PLC). This is my first 
> project using the S7 protocol and plc4x. When I try to read a value the read 
> request is not being executed (I also do not receive an error message or 
> timeout). Would this be the normal behaviour when the field address is wrong? 
> I’m out of ideas how to trace this down. Any hints would be highly 
> appreciated.
>     This is the simple program I created:
>     String url = 
> "s7://
> <s7://>";
>     PlcDriverManager manager = new PlcDriverManager();
>     PlcConnection connection = manager.getConnection(url);
>     boolean isConnected = connection.isConnected();
>     boolean canRead = connection.getMetadata().canRead();
>     System.out.println(isConnected);  // prints true
>     System.out.println(canRead);  // prints true
>     String field = "%DB20:DBX05.0:BOOL";
>     PlcReadRequest request = connection
>            .readRequestBuilder()
>            .addItem("value-1", field)
>            .build();
>     PlcReadResponse response = request.execute().get();  // here is hangs 
> forever
>     System.out.println(response.getFieldNames());
>     connection.close();
>     Thanks a lot in advance!
>     Best regards,
>     Sebastian

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