On Thu, 10 Mar 2016, Dominik Stadler wrote:
Here a few initial ideas where we could improve this:

1. Add some CI to the Github project so that PRs are automatically verified

I think some other Apache projects already do something like this. Maybe ask on dev@community

2. Move to Git/Github

Moving to Github is not allowed. See dev@community and board@ for discussions and details. Other than an experiment with Whimsy, ASF source control systems (either SVN or GIT-WIP) must remain the canonical source

Moving to Git is possible, and Tika has just done so. Needs documentation, and guideance, again dev@community probably the best place to ask for advice on that

5. Use some donation-scheme for bugfixes so people affected by bugs can
offer some compensation and developers can make some money for fixing
certain bugs

You need to take care here - targetted donations are not allowed, and no-one can promise that any fix will be accepted by the project. (Someone could pay you to write a patch that removes Excel support, for example, and while you could take their money and write them the patch, the community would veto applying it to trunk! Extreme example, but gives the idea)

I'd suggest you go watch / listen to a previous "The Apache Way" talk :)

Bug bounties can be done, but need a bit of care. general@incubator has some discussions on this, probably more than dev@community, as the incubator has more people learning how to adapt to Apache-like development. Ask, learn, implement! :)


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