Hi Andy,

That’s great news!

I think changing the module names makes this is breaking change, so will the 
release containing these changes be version 5.0 or a 4.x? I think I would go 
for 5.0 on the assumption that module and package names will stay stable for 
the foreseeable future.

But I think it is something that has to be done anyway to achieve compatibility 
with jlink, That would IMHO be a great step forward - currently I have to apply 
crude workarounds to get blink work with POI, and I think many are facing the 
same problems or just decided to not use jlink for the time being with projects 
using POI.

Another question: AFAIK some of the dependencies used by POI are not yet 
modularised. As you mentioned it, I think Batik is an example (unless this has 
changed since I last used it). As I am quite busy with my day job, I cannot put 
much effort into POI at the moment, but I might find some time to create 
patches (and PRs)  to some of the dependencies to make them modularized.


> Am 05.05.2020 um 12:44 schrieb Andreas Beeker <kiwiwi...@apache.org>:
> Hi,
> I'm currently reworking our dependencies and try to provide multi module [1] 
> jars.
> Currently I have the following:
> - multi module xml schemas - the merged and lite schema is tbd
> - removed the jaxb dependencies from the main module and provided my own 
> XMLStreamReader based parser for PresetGeometries. The reason for this is, 
> that JDK 11 dropped the JAXB support - now you have some com.sun or 
> org.glassfish dependencies to choose from. Instead of increasing our 
> dependencies even more, I think it makes more sense to provide some custom 
> parser. This also renders the binding classes obsolete.
> I'd like to also provide a multi module XmlBeans - maybe this fixes also a 
> problem with opening the xml schemas to all.
> I would mark the optional dependencies as static [2] - e.g. bouncycastle, 
> batik ...
> So the next release would contain ...
> - new XmlBeans release
> - new POi jars
> - new ooxml-schema, ooxml-security
> What I'm not so sure about is the effect on the user base, when suddenly the 
> jars are multi module and the current automatic name (e.g. "poi") is 
> overridden by a customized one (e.g. org.apache.poi.poi). This is a change we 
> would face anyway - even if we would go with just providing an automatic name 
> manifest entry.
> What are your thoughts generally and about semantic versioning in this 
> regards?
> Andi
> [1] https://blog.codefx.org/tools/multi-release-jars-multiple-java-versions/
> [2] https://blog.codefx.org/java/module-system-optional-dependencies/

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