On Wed, 2010-01-27 at 13:47 -0500, Andrew Stitcher wrote:
> On Wed, 2010-01-27 at 13:31 -0500, john dunning wrote:
> > Hi all.  While trying to test something else, I attempted to set up my
> > qpidd with some certs, according to the instructions in
> > http://www.mozilla.org/projects/security/pki/nss/ref/ssl/gtstd.html
> > 
> > I'm losing big time; I can start qpidd ok, but when I try to connect to
> > it, both client and server flame, with errors like this:
> > 
> > 2010-01-27 12:49:23 error Error reading socket: Unknown error
> > 18446744073709551615(-1)
> > 
> > I've kicked it around with some folks around here, and the concensus is
> > that either there's something non-obvious wrong with my certs, or a new
> > bug has crept into the code.
> If this is a bug it's not a new one I was seeing that (or a similar
> error) for months instead of the ssl test succeeding during "make
> check", at some point someone changed the ssl testing and I stopped
> getting this message.

Huh.  Do you by chance remember when the symptom went away?  I might be
able to learn something by spelunking in the checkin logs.

The certs used for the ssl testing part of "make check" seem to be
rather simpler than the ones described in the referenced page.

> I think that before it was something to do with not correctly generating
> certificates. It may have been related to multiple interfaces/hostnames
> on the test machine, or matching up the certificate name to the
> hostname.

Interesting.  It's definitely the case that qpidd is sensitive to cert
characteristics like owner name.  If I generate the cert with the wrong
one, it gripes in a different, somewhat less obscure way.

> There is a bug here though for sure and that is the error message is
> useless.

Yeah, no kidding.  I ran stuff in the debugger, enough to ascertain that
it's croaking in a place where it clearly doesn't expect that anything
could go wrong.  I think it's ending up throwing some kind of generic
"this can't happen" exception.

If I get further insight into what the real root cause of the lossage
it, I'll see if there's a way to make the error reporting at least give
some kind of a hint on what to check for.

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