No, actually in this case the user message is also wrong. If you trace
thru the module dag, you'll see it.


On Fri, Jan 14, 2011 at 1:53 PM, Stevie Strickland <> wrote:
> On Jan 14, 2011, at 2:44 PM, Robby Findler wrote:
>> as far as the contract library is concerned, but now I'm starting to
>> think that that is not convenient enough. Instead, we should really
>> default to 'provide f with the same contract it had before, as if the
>> programmer had copied and pasted the contract' (so change the blame
>> labels) instead of the more high-falutin' interpretation I had before.
> To some extent, this is what the "user" label was supposed to signify.  That 
> is, the negative blame stays "correct" (by our high-flautin' interpretation), 
> but you also get additional blame that tells you if that value flowed to a 
> different region of code that used it.  This latter information is often more 
> precise, and is exactly the old negative information.  That is, the blame 
> information you'd get when you don't consider simple reprovides as entering 
> into the contract and reproviding with any/c.
> Just to check, we are still printing out the "user" blame information when it 
> differs from the negative blame, right?  (I know there's been work done on 
> changing the contract messages, but I haven't tried it out yet.)
> Stevie
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