At Tue, 18 Jun 2013 15:40:27 -0400, Ryan Culpepper wrote:
> I tried it. It works, but DrRacket doesn't find the macro stepper tool. 
> The racket/lib/info-cache.rktd has an entry for the right location, but 
> it also has another (lib "macro-debugger") entry. Is this caused by 
> having multiple modules "named" macro-debugger/info?

Yes, but that's supposed to be ok. I've pushed a repair.

> BTW, something is still populating 
> racket/lib/collects/info-domain/compiled/cache.rktd (rather than 
> racket/lib/info-cache.rktd). I thought the info-domain collection would 
> have disappeared. (And I thought it would be in racket/etc, but that 
> seems not to be the case.)

The "cache.rktd" file is more like a bytecode file than a configuration
--- it's a kind of compilation merging multiple "info.rkt" files, as
opposed to a configuration that can change independently. So, that's
why it's not in "etc".

But why one in "lib/collects/..." and one immediately in "lib", instead
of a single file in one of those places? The one in "lib/collects/..."
has everything about "lib/collects/..." and only things about
"lib/collects/...", which is important for the process of creating
installers. The one in "lib" stores information on package and linked
collections (in installation scope).

> Is there a reason for the pkgs/*-pkgs groupings? I think I'd prefer pkgs 
> to contain just packages, but maybe I'm overlooking a benefit.

The grouping is about packages versus repositories. See the "Current
Proposed Repository Organization" section of

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