
I posted a 3 MXML tag example.  Will it work like it does in Flex with your 
changes?  If so, how/why?

If not, then we need the old code.  It is unfortunate that it causes extra 
reflows, but setting x,y should be rare.  And if you can propose a different 
solution that is PAYG, even better.  I keep wondering if we should go back to 
setting position!=static on the parentNode when x,y is set.

The scenario where offsetParent changes also needs to be understood to know how 
rare it is or if it is a result of some other bug.  We have to be careful about 
spending lots of time on these cases if they are corner cases or a side-effect.

All I'm trying to do is make sure your analysis and proposed changes are 
correct.  There have been scenarios cited (RoyaleStore) and solutions proposed 
(Application * selector0 that weren't valid so I'm just trying to help make 
sure this is right.  It just isn't making sense to me that offsetParent doesn't 
matter in the x,y calculation or that there is framework code that changes 
offsetParent.  I don't want to worry about the performance of x,y being set if 
most UI really shouldn't be setting it.  But for sure, it has to produce the 
right values.


On 6/7/18, 3:26 PM, "Harbs" <harbs.li...@gmail.com> wrote:

    > On Jun 8, 2018, at 1:11 AM, Alex Harui <aha...@adobe.com.INVALID> wrote:
    >    In your animation code example, having the offsetParent code in the 
setter makes the animation *way* less efficient. There is a an extra forced 
reflow for every assignment of the new value.
    > I don't understand this point.  Can you provide more detail?  I would 
imagine animations are going to cause reflows.   If there is a way to do 
animations without resulting in a reflow that would be great.
    The point is that there is a forced reflow. There will definitely be a 
reflow when the browser draws the animation change, but the offsetParent code 
forces the browser to calculate an extra reflow during the code execution prior 
to setting the x value.
    This has two problems:
    1. There is two reflows per cycle instead of one. If the animation sets 
both x and y values, there will be three reflows (the first two forced) instead 
of one.
    2. The first reflow is forced to happen during javascript execution rather 
than when the browser decides it’s the optimum time to do so.
    >> I think you are saying there is a bug in the current code, but it 
somehow involves offsetParent changing.  Can you explain what causes 
offsetParent to change?
    >    If/when the parent (or grandparent or great-grandparent, etc.) element 
position changes from static to some other value, the offsetParent will change.
    > Again, how important/prevalent is such a scenario?
    It’s hard to say, but one such scenario sparked this discussion. I think 
that avoiding lifecycle issues is pretty important.

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