When I originally wrote that, it was not intended to be used directly in
code, it was intended to support the metadata-driven injected bindings,
specifically with Crux. It is quite specific for Crux.
It does need BindableChainInfo instances in that last argument instead of
strings. Perhaps the code can be adapted to be more useful other than with
Crux, but would need some time and effort focused on that.
Is it not viable to use injection in your case?

Since I worked on that, I did also do some work in the mx.binding inside
MXRoyale. Maybe the BindingUtils in there is more like what you want? (It
is closer to the original Flex)

On Fri, Jul 10, 2020 at 10:02 AM Hugo Ferreira <hferreira...@gmail.com>

> The following line of code, compiles without any issue:
> BindingUtils.bindProperty(header, "minimized", content, ["visible"]);
> However at runtime, I got the following error on Google Chrome Console:
> Uncaught TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert
> visible to org.apache.royale.crux.binding.BindableChainInfo
>     at Function.org.apache.royale.utils.Language.as (Language.js:115)
>     at Function.org.apache.royale.crux.binding.BindingUtils.bindProperty
> (BindingUtils.js:73)
>     at
> pt.solidsoft.gc.view.login.Login.pt.solidsoft.framework.form.Form.addElement
> (Form.mxml:32)
>     at
> Function.org.apache.royale.utils.MXMLDataInterpreter.initializeStrandBasedObject
> (MXMLDataInterpreter.js:241)
>     at
> Function.org.apache.royale.utils.MXMLDataInterpreter.generateMXMLArray
> (MXMLDataInterpreter.js:127)
>     at
> Function.org.apache.royale.utils.MXMLDataInterpreter.generateMXMLInstances
> (MXMLDataInterpreter.js:271)
>     at
> pt.solidsoft.gc.view.login.Login.org.apache.royale.jewel.Container.addedToParent
> (Container.js:76)
>     at
> org.apache.royale.html.Group.org.apache.royale.core.UIBase.addElement
> (UIBase.js:405)
>     at
> org.apache.royale.html.Group.org.apache.royale.core.GroupBase.addElement
> (GroupBase.js:165)
>     at
> Function.org.apache.royale.utils.MXMLDataInterpreter.initializeStrandBasedObject
> (MXMLDataInterpreter.js:241)
> An explanation:
> header is the source instance of a component
> minimized is the public Bindable property that I'm listening
> content is the target instance of a component
> visible is the visibility of the target that I want to depend on the
> minimized property
> Is this a bug that I should insert on github issues or I'm doing something
> wrong ?

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