Hi, friends.

We hope to present a track of presentations about Royale at ApacheCon, an
online event September 29-October 1. I have created a wiki page [1] to work
out ideas, but since the deadline is coming soon for submitting
presentations, I wanted to share with you the current plan and get your

The current plan is to have five presentations:

1. "Hello Royale" - high-level view of Apache Royale, including a bit of
history, how it has evolved, its core of AS3 and MXML, what it inherits
from Flex and how it differs, where it is going, and what you can do with

2. "Royale: Starting from a blank file" - focussing on the "todomvc"
demonstration of creating a to-do list app.

3. "Moving from Flex to Royale" - how to migrate an existing Flex/Flash app
to Royale, now that the end of Flash is upon us. Includes emulation,
component equivalents, work-arounds, and, I hope a couple of examples of
successful migrations.

4. "Royale: Tour de Jewel" - A look behind the scenes at the wide range of
Royale capabilities on display at the Tour de Jewel [2] site.

5. "Royale masterclass" - How to get the best out of Royale: strands and
beads, emulation, CSS use, components, other cool things Royale offers.

ApacheCon 2020 is going to have three presentation periods each day to hit
convenient times around the world. I propose we offer each presentation
once as a live event, and then rebroadcast it with a presenter who can
respond in real-time to comments from audiences in the second and third
tracks. Or we can present each one live three times.

Is this enough? Or does someone have a good idea for a sixth presentation?
I am going to submit these five today or tomorrow unless I hear a good
reason not to.

What happens next: A lot of smart folks need to provide wisdom and,
ideally, be willing to present. If people want to help with writing the
slides and script for any of these sessions, I can present them. I have a
lot of experience as a presenter, but need to have the wisdom from the
whole Royaleiverse to make our presentations clear, accurate, and enticing.

About a thousand people have signed up for ApacheCon 2020 already, even
before any advertising has gone out, so this is a great opportunity to show
what Royale offers.

Carlos Rivera has indicated he can help create the material for talks 2 and
4. Who else can step up and help make our presentations very good?


[1] https://github.com/apache/royale-asjs/wiki/Royale-at-ApacheCon-2020

[2] https://royale.apache.org/tourdejewel/

Andrew Wetmore
Technical Writer-Editor
*Apache Software Foundation*

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