Hi Maria,

"You can possibly implement it in the same way as I have done with ECharts,
at least for the initial tests, with @externs. Maybe, to start, you could
see the repo for test royale-echarts [1]"
That's perfect for me, however I see and empty project with only a mxml
starting file. Am I missing something ?

"We are migrating our previous Flex application to Royale and we use our
own report generator .net + CrystalReports. I would be interested in the
library that you comment to take a look at it. Which?"
Stimulsoft: https://www.stimulsoft.com
You can find on the downloads are versions of their engine for: JS, .NET,
PHP, Java, etc ...
Flex version is not showed on their downloads site because was discuntinued.

My backend is .NET and my current frontend is Flex. The same report
definition can be generated on the client side with and very good preview
tool and can generated 100% on server side, export to PDF for archive or
send to e-mail !
They have a JS client build on the last years that theorical can render the
same reports.

I know that they have a small util to convert reports from Crystal to their
Perhaps not 100% compatible but perhaps can save you more time than rebuild
from scratch.

Maria Jose Esteve <mjest...@iest.com> escreveu no dia segunda, 28/09/2020
à(s) 12:15:

> Hi Hugo,
> You can possibly implement it in the same way as I have done with ECharts,
> at least for the initial tests, with @externs. Maybe, to start, you could
> see the repo for test royale-echarts [1]
> We are migrating our previous Flex application to Royale and we use our
> own report generator .net + CrystalReports. I would be interested in the
> library that you comment to take a look at it. Which?
> I don't know much how I'm getting started, but if I can help you get
> started with the "Report Generator" wrapper / extension it would be great.
> [1] https://github.com/mjesteve/Royale-ECharts
> Hiedra
> -----Mensaje original-----
> De: Hugo Ferreira <hferreira...@gmail.com>
> Enviado el: lunes, 28 de septiembre de 2020 10:59
> Para: Apache Royale Development <dev@royale.apache.org>
> Asunto: Report engine in Royale
> My Flex application that I'm rewriting in Royale use a report engine.
> This report engine works on many programming languages (using the same
> report definition).
> One of the supported languages in the past (discontinued) was Flex !
> And another currently support programming language (among others) is pure
> JS !
> I saw recently e-mails exchange about a bridge between Royale and a chart
> JS library: ECharts (I don't use because at least in the moment because I
> don't need).
> My idea is do the same for Royale.
> Using this report engine as a component, supported in Royale.
> Could you please give me same lights to start doing this ?

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