Hi Maria,

You are right.
I see now the code.

With your example and Carlos example + tutorials on Royale page, I should
be able to create the same for Stimulsoft Reports JS.

A report engine it's a very important feature for any enterprise
application like charts.
Usually one use server side report engine however there is a lot of
beneficed on a client side report engine:
- User likes to see the report (not exactly equal to show a PDF).
- Can export to different formats: Excel it's a very important one.
- A typical user likes to preview and then, only then print, export to PDF
or Excel or even sent to E-Mail.

If you show a PDF, user is satisfied but if you show a preview to then
export to PDF, user it's very happy.
Strange behaviours :)


Maria Jose Esteve <mjest...@iest.com> escreveu no dia segunda, 28/09/2020
à(s) 21:45:

> Hi Hugo,
> Thanks, I'll look at it shortly.
> As for the example project, you have to see the "develop" branch.
> In previous threads there is a short description of the project. (It has a
> library project, with @extern, and another project with the examples that
> we are putting. I have created several controls, to be able to insert the
> graphic as mxml, with themes, with events, ... and all of them I think
> should go in the library project BUT THEY DO NOT BUILD ME, so I have left
> them in the example project, in the echarts folder)
> Hiedra.
> -----Mensaje original-----
> De: Hugo Ferreira <hferreira...@gmail.com>
> Enviado el: lunes, 28 de septiembre de 2020 15:21
> Para: Apache Royale Development <dev@royale.apache.org>
> Asunto: Re: Report engine in Royale
> Hi Maria,
> "You can possibly implement it in the same way as I have done with
> ECharts, at least for the initial tests, with @externs. Maybe, to start,
> you could see the repo for test royale-echarts [1]"
> That's perfect for me, however I see and empty project with only a mxml
> starting file. Am I missing something ?
> "We are migrating our previous Flex application to Royale and we use our
> own report generator .net + CrystalReports. I would be interested in the
> library that you comment to take a look at it. Which?"
> Stimulsoft: https://www.stimulsoft.com
> You can find on the downloads are versions of their engine for: JS, .NET,
> PHP, Java, etc ...
> Flex version is not showed on their downloads site because was
> discuntinued.
> My backend is .NET and my current frontend is Flex. The same report
> definition can be generated on the client side with and very good preview
> tool and can generated 100% on server side, export to PDF for archive or
> send to e-mail !
> They have a JS client build on the last years that theorical can render
> the same reports.
> I know that they have a small util to convert reports from Crystal to
> their format.
> Perhaps not 100% compatible but perhaps can save you more time than
> rebuild from scratch.
> Maria Jose Esteve <mjest...@iest.com> escreveu no dia segunda, 28/09/2020
> à(s) 12:15:
> > Hi Hugo,
> > You can possibly implement it in the same way as I have done with
> > ECharts, at least for the initial tests, with @externs. Maybe, to
> > start, you could see the repo for test royale-echarts [1]
> >
> > We are migrating our previous Flex application to Royale and we use
> > our own report generator .net + CrystalReports. I would be interested
> > in the library that you comment to take a look at it. Which?
> >
> > I don't know much how I'm getting started, but if I can help you get
> > started with the "Report Generator" wrapper / extension it would be
> great.
> >
> > [1] https://github.com/mjesteve/Royale-ECharts
> >
> > Hiedra
> >
> > -----Mensaje original-----
> > De: Hugo Ferreira <hferreira...@gmail.com> Enviado el: lunes, 28 de
> > septiembre de 2020 10:59
> > Para: Apache Royale Development <dev@royale.apache.org>
> > Asunto: Report engine in Royale
> >
> > My Flex application that I'm rewriting in Royale use a report engine.
> > This report engine works on many programming languages (using the same
> > report definition).
> >
> > One of the supported languages in the past (discontinued) was Flex !
> > And another currently support programming language (among others) is
> > pure JS !
> >
> > I saw recently e-mails exchange about a bridge between Royale and a
> > chart JS library: ECharts (I don't use because at least in the moment
> > because I don't need).
> > My idea is do the same for Royale.
> > Using this report engine as a component, supported in Royale.
> >
> > Could you please give me same lights to start doing this ?
> >

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