Kohei Yoshida a écrit :
> Hi Cor,
> On Mon, 2007-12-10 at 22:04 +0100, Cor Nouws wrote:
>> Also for me, a input box for dates would be a big mistake. The current 
>> system allows fast working.
> Fair enough.  Scratch the input box idea then.  That was just an idea
> anyway (a bad one).
>> With typing in dates, once you know how it works and /or set your cell 
>> formatting / styles correctly, it is OK.
>> The only problems, AFAIAC, arise when pasting data in a spreadsheet... 
> This problem also arises when importing from a csv file, where Calc
> accidentally interprets a text value such as '11-12' as date.  Now, that
> text value alone may be interpreted as a date in some context, but that
> interpretation will not always be correct in all contexts.
> Still scratching my head...
What about a big button to deactivate this interpreter ?

  Or, maybe a little smarter, what about deactivating it after the first
input ? So if it was wrong, one can manually correct it ?

My 0.02$,
Loiseleur Michel / SLL
Groupe Linagora
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"Ce n'est pas le logiciel qui est libre, c'est vous"

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