>Shale is listed at version 1.1.0
All the pom.xml files show "1.1.0-SNAPSHOT", not sure how 1.0.4 was
derived for next release. 

-----Original Message-----
From: Gregg Leichtman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 15 January 2007 12:38
To: dev@shale.apache.org
Subject: Re: [FWD: [v1.0.4] shale-tiles and release notes (was Re: svn
commit: r490857 ...)]

I guess the thing that is most confusing to me is that on the project
summary page and on the dependencies page:



Shale is listed at version 1.1.0, but it appears that the dev group is
getting ready to release version 1.0.4. I would have thought that the
currently released and posted version on these web pages would be 1.0.3.
Is this currently posted version number correct and if so why?

I have not yet moved this discussion to the user forum, since I believe
that this topic, possibly erroneously, is still pertinent to keeping
things in synch for the next release that the dev group appears to be

                                                         -=> Gregg <=-

Rahul Akolkar wrote:
> On 1/5/07, Gregg Leichtman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> > Additionally, note that the framework distribution (nightlies or
>> > release) contains all dependency jars in the lib folder....
>> Ok, that is _very_ useful (thanks, I had not noticed this and had 
>> been going out on my own for the past few months to try and match 
>> components up with Shale nightlies with various levels of success); 
>> however, when I go to the Tiles core download site at:
>>     http://people.apache.org/builds/struts/nightlies/tiles/
>> I find:
> <snip-list/>
>> None of the versioning above matches the versioning of the file 
>> tiles-core-2.0-r468346-SNAPSHOT.jar provided in the framework, so how

>> can I correlate the two? Continue reading.
> <snap/>
> Its in the snapshot repository (long, possible fragmented URL) that is

> used by the build:
> http://people.apache.org/repo/m2-snapshot-repository/org/apache/struts
> /tiles/tiles-core/
>> > Its also available on the website, the dependency page for 
>> > shale-tiles is here:
>> >
>> > http://shale.apache.org/shale-tiles/dependencies.html
>> This is good also; however, I can't find any place on this page where

>> it states which version of Shale these dependencies go to. I assume 
>> that since 1.0.3 is the currently released version of Shale, these 
>> dependencies apply to it, but that doesn't seem to be stated. If this

>> is true, then I assume that tiles-core-2.0-r468346-SNAPSHOT.jar 
>> applies to Shale 1.0.3. Correct? If this is correct, maybe the 
>> dependencies page can have a blurb in it to state which version of 
>> Shale the dependencies apply to. Since the page is generated by 
>> Maven, maybe Maven makes this too hard to do.
> <snip/>
> That version applies to (a probably soon to be out) Shale 1.0.4 or a 
> recent nightly. For Shale 1.0.3, it wasn't pinned down to a specific 
> svn revision (and your best bet is, again, to pick up the jar that 
> would have come in the lib/ directory of the 1.0.3 framework distro).
> Your point about trying to correlate this information (especially for 
> someone not used to Maven and its sites) is however well taken.
>> > (similarly for other modules -- for each module, the 'Project 
>> > Documentation' section in the left side navbar has this, and other,

>> > information).
>> I don't see anything relevant under the "Project Documentation" 
>> section. I do see sub-projects under "Sub-Project Documentation", but

>> these don't appear to supply versioning information. For example, the

>> link http://shale.apache.org/shale-tiles/index.html for tiles.
> <snip/>
> For example, the project summary has the version number of the 
> artifact you're looking for:
> http://shale.apache.org/shale-tiles/project-summary.html
> If there are further questions, we should probably move this to the 
> user list.
> -Rahul
>>                                       -=> Gregg <=-
>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
>> ---

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