The top-level 'extras' directory is now available.  It has it's own features
directory, guice module and java classes.  More to come...

On Thu, May 13, 2010 at 5:07 PM, Paul Lindner <> wrote:

> There are some features that are new, experimental and generally not
> production ready nor standardized yet.  However I'd like to see them checked
> in and maintained over time after such time they can graduate to
> shindig-gadgets and/or shindig-social-api.
> I propose putting these new features in a new package named shindig-extras.
>  Code will be checked into java/extras and it will support javascript
> features and java extensions via Guice multibindings and overrides.
> The features I want to move here are:
> * javascript features for popular javascript libraries.  For example here's
> org.jquery.core-1.4.2/feature.xml
> <feature>
>   <name>org.jquery.core-1.4.2</name>
>   <gadget>
>     <script src="
>   </gadget>
>   <container>
>     <script inline="true" src="
>   </container>
> </feature>
> * New Api handlers for "Tokens" and "Apps" -- these will provide a way to
> create containers that run on third party web sites.
> * Anything else anyone else wants to contribute.

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