Hi Daniel,

I've gone through the steps and I love it. I think a CMS can boost Sling
and the ecosystem a lot.

Congratulations on your results!

Some feedback:

- the process of creating a website should be streamlined to hide
details for the end user

- a base set of page templates like wordpress ones (Post and Page) would
be a great next step

- the configuration files could be moved to /etc/sling-cms/configs to
namespace things in case other apps need to access /etc

- is there any relationship between sling-cms and Composum? It seems to
me like both projects are heading in a similar direction and a
colaboration might be beneficial. Composum provides Composum assests,
Composum Pages, etc. That functionality could be reused.


On 10.02.2018 02:52, Daniel Klco wrote:
> Thanks Jason! Obviously tested only with a Mac. I just pushed in an update
> to resolve the issue and updating the docker image to fix some UI issues.
> On Fri, Feb 9, 2018 at 11:51 AM, Jason E Bailey <j...@apache.org> wrote:
>> If you're not familiar with this. A colon is an illegal character in a
>> windows file name. When windows uses it as part of a file descriptor when
>> opening/creating a file it's to specify a side channel where extra data is
>> stored.
>> So in the case of the jcr:content files git uses jcr:content as the file
>> descriptor and ends up creating a file called jcr that appears empty but
>> will still be the same size as the corresponding jcr:content.
>> Eclipse is the actual creator of that error message as it rightly
>> recognized that this is most likely not what was intended. I'm assuming
>> that we can rename the files _jcr_content.json and still have them work.
>> - Jason
>> On Fri, Feb 9, 2018, at 8:47 AM, Jason E Bailey wrote:
>>> I'm pretty excited about this.  Did run into a slight problem. I use
>>> windows at work and your CMS commit actually breaks git for me. cms/ui/
>>> src/main/resources/jcr_root/etc/fileeditors/jcr:content.json is not
>>> considered a valid file.
>>> - Jason

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