Maybe I'm missing something, but the high-level proposal consists of:
Goals, Non-Goals, and Proposed API. What is there to discuss other than the
details of the API that's being proposed? I think the goals make sense, but
goals alone aren't enough to approve a SPIP.

On Wed, Aug 30, 2017 at 2:46 PM, Reynold Xin <> wrote:

> So we seem to be getting into a cycle of discussing more about the details
> of APIs than the high level proposal. The details of APIs are important to
> debate, but those belong more in code reviews.
> One other important thing is that we should avoid API design by committee.
> While it is extremely useful to get feedback, understand the use cases, we
> cannot do API design by incorporating verbatim the union of everybody's
> feedback. API design is largely a tradeoff game. The most expressive API
> would also be harder to use, or sacrifice backward/forward compatibility.
> It is as important to decide what to exclude as what to include.
> Unlike the v1 API, the way Wenchen's high level V2 framework is proposed
> makes it very easy to add new features (e.g. clustering properties) in the
> future without breaking any APIs. I'd rather us shipping something useful
> that might not be the most comprehensive set, than debating about every
> single feature we should add and then creating something super complicated
> that has unclear value.
> On Wed, Aug 30, 2017 at 6:37 PM, Ryan Blue <> wrote:
>> -1 (non-binding)
>> Sometimes it takes a VOTE thread to get people to actually read and
>> comment, so thanks for starting this one… but there’s still discussion
>> happening on the prototype API, which it hasn’t been updated. I’d like to
>> see the proposal shaped by the ongoing discussion so that we have a better,
>> more concrete plan. I think that’s going to produces a better SPIP.
>> The second reason for -1 is that I think the read- and write-side
>> proposals should be separated. The PR
>> <> currently has “write path”
>> listed as a TODO item and most of the discussion I’ve seen is on the read
>> side. I think it would be better to separate the read and write APIs so we
>> can focus on them individually.
>> An example of why we should focus on the write path separately is that
>> the proposal says this:
>> Ideally partitioning/bucketing concept should not be exposed in the Data
>> Source API V2, because they are just techniques for data skipping and
>> pre-partitioning. However, these 2 concepts are already widely used in
>> Spark, e.g. DataFrameWriter.partitionBy and DDL syntax like ADD PARTITION.
>> To be consistent, we need to add partitioning/bucketing to Data Source V2 .
>> . .
>> Essentially, the some APIs mix DDL and DML operations. I’d like to
>> consider ways to fix that problem instead of carrying the problem forward
>> to Data Source V2. We can solve this by adding a high-level API for DDL and
>> a better write/insert API that works well with it. Clearly, that discussion
>> is independent of the read path, which is why I think separating the two
>> proposals would be a win.
>> rb
>> ​
>> On Wed, Aug 30, 2017 at 4:28 AM, Reynold Xin <> wrote:
>>> That might be good to do, but seems like orthogonal to this effort
>>> itself. It would be a completely different interface.
>>> On Wed, Aug 30, 2017 at 1:10 PM Wenchen Fan <> wrote:
>>>> OK I agree with it, how about we add a new interface to push down the
>>>> query plan, based on the current framework? We can mark the
>>>> query-plan-push-down interface as unstable, to save the effort of designing
>>>> a stable representation of query plan and maintaining forward 
>>>> compatibility.
>>>> On Wed, Aug 30, 2017 at 10:53 AM, James Baker <>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> I'll just focus on the one-by-one thing for now - it's the thing that
>>>>> blocks me the most.
>>>>> I think the place where we're most confused here is on the cost of
>>>>> determining whether I can push down a filter. For me, in order to work out
>>>>> whether I can push down a filter or satisfy a sort, I might have to read
>>>>> plenty of data. That said, it's worth me doing this because I can use this
>>>>> information to avoid reading >>that much data.
>>>>> If you give me all the orderings, I will have to read that data many
>>>>> times (we stream it to avoid keeping it in memory).
>>>>> There's also a thing where our typical use cases have many filters
>>>>> (20+ is common). So, it's likely not going to work to pass us all the
>>>>> combinations. That said, if I can tell you a cost, I know what optimal
>>>>> looks like, why can't I just pick that myself?
>>>>> The current design is friendly to simple datasources, but does not
>>>>> have the potential to support this.
>>>>> So the main problem we have with datasources v1 is that it's
>>>>> essentially impossible to leverage a bunch of Spark features - I don't get
>>>>> to use bucketing or row batches or all the nice things that I really want
>>>>> to use to get decent performance. Provided I can leverage these in a
>>>>> moderately supported way which won't break in any given commit, I'll be
>>>>> pretty happy with anything that lets me opt out of the restrictions.
>>>>> My suggestion here is that if you make a mode which works well for
>>>>> complicated use cases, you end up being able to write simple mode in terms
>>>>> of it very easily. So we could actually provide two APIs, one that lets
>>>>> people who have more interesting datasources leverage the cool Spark
>>>>> features, and one that lets people who just want to implement basic
>>>>> features do that - I'd try to include some kind of layering here. I could
>>>>> probably sketch out something here if that'd be useful?
>>>>> James
>>>>> On Tue, 29 Aug 2017 at 18:59 Wenchen Fan <> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi James,
>>>>>> Thanks for your feedback! I think your concerns are all valid, but we
>>>>>> need to make a tradeoff here.
>>>>>> > Explicitly here, what I'm looking for is a convenient mechanism to
>>>>>> accept a fully specified set of arguments
>>>>>> The problem with this approach is: 1) if we wanna add more arguments in
>>>>>> the future, it's really hard to do without changing the existing 
>>>>>> interface.
>>>>>> 2) if a user wants to implement a very simple data source, he has to look
>>>>>> at all the arguments and understand them, which may be a burden for him.
>>>>>> I don't have a solution to solve these 2 problems, comments are
>>>>>> welcome.
>>>>>> > There are loads of cases like this - you can imagine someone being
>>>>>> able to push down a sort before a filter is applied, but not afterwards.
>>>>>> However, maybe the filter is so selective that it's better to push down 
>>>>>> the
>>>>>> filter and not handle the sort. I don't get to make this decision, Spark
>>>>>> does (but doesn't have good enough information to do it properly, whilst 
>>>>>> I
>>>>>> do). I want to be able to choose the parts I push down given knowledge of
>>>>>> my datasource - as defined the APIs don't let me do that, they're 
>>>>>> strictly
>>>>>> more restrictive than the V1 APIs in this way.
>>>>>> This is true, the current framework applies push downs one by one,
>>>>>> incrementally. If a data source wanna go back to accept a sort push down
>>>>>> after it accepts a filter push down, it's impossible with the current 
>>>>>> data
>>>>>> source V2.
>>>>>> Fortunately, we have a solution for this problem. At Spark side,
>>>>>> actually we do have a fully specified set of arguments waiting to be
>>>>>> pushed down, but Spark doesn't know which is the best order to push them
>>>>>> into data source. Spark can try every combination and ask the data source
>>>>>> to report a cost, then Spark can pick the best combination with the 
>>>>>> lowest
>>>>>> cost. This can also be implemented as a cost report interface, so that
>>>>>> advanced data source can implement it for optimal performance, and simple
>>>>>> data source doesn't need to care about it and keep simple.
>>>>>> The current design is very friendly to simple data source, and has
>>>>>> the potential to support complex data source, I prefer the current design
>>>>>> over the plan push down one. What do you think?
>>>>>> On Wed, Aug 30, 2017 at 5:53 AM, James Baker <>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Yeah, for sure.
>>>>>>> With the stable representation - agree that in the general case this
>>>>>>> is pretty intractable, it restricts the modifications that you can do in
>>>>>>> the future too much. That said, it shouldn't be as hard if you restrict
>>>>>>> yourself to the parts of the plan which are supported by the 
>>>>>>> datasources V2
>>>>>>> API (which after all, need to be translateable properly into the future 
>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>> support the mixins proposed). This should have a pretty small scope in
>>>>>>> comparison. As long as the user can bail out of nodes they don't
>>>>>>> understand, they should be ok, right?
>>>>>>> That said, what would also be fine for us is a place to plug into an
>>>>>>> unstable query plan.
>>>>>>> Explicitly here, what I'm looking for is a convenient mechanism to
>>>>>>> accept a fully specified set of arguments (of which I can choose to 
>>>>>>> ignore
>>>>>>> some), and return the information as to which of them I'm ignoring. 
>>>>>>> Taking
>>>>>>> a query plan of sorts is a way of doing this which IMO is intuitive to 
>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>> user. It also provides a convenient location to plug in things like 
>>>>>>> stats.
>>>>>>> Not at all married to the idea of using a query plan here; it just 
>>>>>>> seemed
>>>>>>> convenient.
>>>>>>> Regarding the users who just want to be able to pump data into
>>>>>>> Spark, my understanding is that replacing isolated nodes in a query 
>>>>>>> plan is
>>>>>>> easy. That said, our goal here is to be able to push down as much as
>>>>>>> possible into the underlying datastore.
>>>>>>> To your second question:
>>>>>>> The issue is that if you build up pushdowns incrementally and not
>>>>>>> all at once, you end up having to reject pushdowns and filters that you
>>>>>>> actually can do, which unnecessarily increases overheads.
>>>>>>> For example, the dataset
>>>>>>> a b c
>>>>>>> 1 2 3
>>>>>>> 1 3 3
>>>>>>> 1 3 4
>>>>>>> 2 1 1
>>>>>>> 2 0 1
>>>>>>> can efficiently push down sort(b, c) if I have already applied the
>>>>>>> filter a = 1, but otherwise will force a sort in Spark. On the PR I 
>>>>>>> detail
>>>>>>> a case I see where I can push down two equality filters iff I am given 
>>>>>>> them
>>>>>>> at the same time, whilst not being able to one at a time.
>>>>>>> There are loads of cases like this - you can imagine someone being
>>>>>>> able to push down a sort before a filter is applied, but not afterwards.
>>>>>>> However, maybe the filter is so selective that it's better to push down 
>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>> filter and not handle the sort. I don't get to make this decision, Spark
>>>>>>> does (but doesn't have good enough information to do it properly, 
>>>>>>> whilst I
>>>>>>> do). I want to be able to choose the parts I push down given knowledge 
>>>>>>> of
>>>>>>> my datasource - as defined the APIs don't let me do that, they're 
>>>>>>> strictly
>>>>>>> more restrictive than the V1 APIs in this way.
>>>>>>> The pattern of not considering things that can be done in bulk bites
>>>>>>> us in other ways. The retrieval methods end up being trickier to 
>>>>>>> implement
>>>>>>> than is necessary because frequently a single operation provides the 
>>>>>>> result
>>>>>>> of many of the getters, but the state is mutable, so you end up with odd
>>>>>>> caches.
>>>>>>> For example, the work I need to do to answer unhandledFilters in V1
>>>>>>> is roughly the same as the work I need to do to buildScan, so I want to
>>>>>>> cache it. This means that I end up with code that looks like:
>>>>>>> public final class CachingFoo implements Foo {
>>>>>>>     private final Foo delegate;
>>>>>>>     private List<Filter> currentFilters = emptyList();
>>>>>>>     private Supplier<Bar> barSupplier = newSupplier(currentFilters);
>>>>>>>     public CachingFoo(Foo delegate) {
>>>>>>>         this.delegate = delegate;
>>>>>>>     }
>>>>>>>     private Supplier<Bar> newSupplier(List<Filter> filters) {
>>>>>>>         return Suppliers.memoize(() -> delegate.computeBar(filters));
>>>>>>>     }
>>>>>>>     @Override
>>>>>>>     public Bar computeBar(List<Filter> filters) {
>>>>>>>         if (!filters.equals(currentFilters)) {
>>>>>>>             currentFilters = filters;
>>>>>>>             barSupplier = newSupplier(filters);
>>>>>>>         }
>>>>>>>         return barSupplier.get();
>>>>>>>     }
>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>> which caches the result required in unhandledFilters on the
>>>>>>> expectation that Spark will call buildScan afterwards and get to use the
>>>>>>> result..
>>>>>>> This kind of cache becomes more prominent, but harder to deal with
>>>>>>> in the new APIs. As one example here, the state I will need in order to
>>>>>>> compute accurate column stats internally will likely be a subset of the
>>>>>>> work required in order to get the read tasks, tell you if I can handle
>>>>>>> filters, etc, so I'll want to cache them for reuse. However, the cached
>>>>>>> information needs to be appropriately invalidated when I add a new 
>>>>>>> filter
>>>>>>> or sort order or limit, and this makes implementing the APIs harder and
>>>>>>> more error-prone.
>>>>>>> One thing that'd be great is a defined contract of the order in
>>>>>>> which Spark calls the methods on your datasource (ideally this contract
>>>>>>> could be implied by the way the Java class structure works, but 
>>>>>>> otherwise I
>>>>>>> can just throw).
>>>>>>> James
>>>>>>> On Tue, 29 Aug 2017 at 02:56 Reynold Xin <>
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> James,
>>>>>>>> Thanks for the comment. I think you just pointed out a trade-off
>>>>>>>> between expressiveness and API simplicity, compatibility and 
>>>>>>>> evolvability.
>>>>>>>> For the max expressiveness, we'd want the ability to expose full query
>>>>>>>> plans, and let the data source decide which part of the query plan can 
>>>>>>>> be
>>>>>>>> pushed down.
>>>>>>>> The downside to that (full query plan push down) are:
>>>>>>>> 1. It is extremely difficult to design a stable representation for
>>>>>>>> logical / physical plan. It is doable, but we'd be the first to do it. 
>>>>>>>> I'm
>>>>>>>> not sure of any mainstream databases being able to do that in the 
>>>>>>>> past. The
>>>>>>>> design of that API itself, to make sure we have a good story for 
>>>>>>>> backward
>>>>>>>> and forward compatibility, would probably take months if not years. It
>>>>>>>> might still be good to do, or offer an experimental trait without
>>>>>>>> compatibility guarantee that uses the current Catalyst internal logical
>>>>>>>> plan.
>>>>>>>> 2. Most data source developers simply want a way to offer some
>>>>>>>> data, without any pushdown. Having to understand query plans is a 
>>>>>>>> burden
>>>>>>>> rather than a gift.
>>>>>>>> Re: your point about the proposed v2 being worse than v1 for your
>>>>>>>> use case.
>>>>>>>> Can you say more? You used the argument that in v2 there are more
>>>>>>>> support for broader pushdown and as a result it is harder to implement.
>>>>>>>> That's how it is supposed to be. If a data source simply implements 
>>>>>>>> one of
>>>>>>>> the trait, it'd be logically identical to v1. I don't see why it would 
>>>>>>>> be
>>>>>>>> worse or better, other than v2 provides much stronger forward 
>>>>>>>> compatibility
>>>>>>>> guarantees than v1.
>>>>>>>> On Tue, Aug 29, 2017 at 4:54 AM, James Baker <>
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Copying from the code review comments I just submitted on the
>>>>>>>>> draft API (
>>>>>>>>> spark/pull/10#pullrequestreview-59088745):
>>>>>>>>> Context here is that I've spent some time implementing a Spark
>>>>>>>>> datasource and have had some issues with the current API which are 
>>>>>>>>> made
>>>>>>>>> worse in V2.
>>>>>>>>> The general conclusion I’ve come to here is that this is very hard
>>>>>>>>> to actually implement (in a similar but more aggressive way than 
>>>>>>>>> DataSource
>>>>>>>>> V1, because of the extra methods and dimensions we get in V2).
>>>>>>>>> In DataSources V1 PrunedFilteredScan, the issue is that you are
>>>>>>>>> passed in the filters with the buildScan method, and then passed in 
>>>>>>>>> again
>>>>>>>>> with the unhandledFilters method.
>>>>>>>>> However, the filters that you can’t handle might be data
>>>>>>>>> dependent, which the current API does not handle well. Suppose I can 
>>>>>>>>> handle
>>>>>>>>> filter A some of the time, and filter B some of the time. If I’m 
>>>>>>>>> passed in
>>>>>>>>> both, then either A and B are unhandled, or A, or B, or neither. The 
>>>>>>>>> work I
>>>>>>>>> have to do to work this out is essentially the same as I have to do 
>>>>>>>>> while
>>>>>>>>> actually generating my RDD (essentially I have to generate my 
>>>>>>>>> partitions),
>>>>>>>>> so I end up doing some weird caching work.
>>>>>>>>> This V2 API proposal has the same issues, but perhaps moreso. In
>>>>>>>>> PrunedFilteredScan, there is essentially one degree of freedom for 
>>>>>>>>> pruning
>>>>>>>>> (filters), so you just have to implement caching between 
>>>>>>>>> unhandledFilters
>>>>>>>>> and buildScan. However, here we have many degrees of freedom; sorts,
>>>>>>>>> individual filters, clustering, sampling, maybe aggregations 
>>>>>>>>> eventually -
>>>>>>>>> and these operations are not all commutative, and computing my support
>>>>>>>>> one-by-one can easily end up being more expensive than computing all 
>>>>>>>>> in one
>>>>>>>>> go.
>>>>>>>>> For some trivial examples:
>>>>>>>>> - After filtering, I might be sorted, whilst before filtering I
>>>>>>>>> might not be.
>>>>>>>>> - Filtering with certain filters might affect my ability to push
>>>>>>>>> down others.
>>>>>>>>> - Filtering with aggregations (as mooted) might not be possible to
>>>>>>>>> push down.
>>>>>>>>> And with the API as currently mooted, I need to be able to go back
>>>>>>>>> and change my results because they might change later.
>>>>>>>>> Really what would be good here is to pass all of the filters and
>>>>>>>>> sorts etc all at once, and then I return the parts I can’t handle.
>>>>>>>>> I’d prefer in general that this be implemented by passing some
>>>>>>>>> kind of query plan to the datasource which enables this kind of
>>>>>>>>> replacement. Explicitly don’t want to give the whole query plan - that
>>>>>>>>> sounds painful - would prefer we push down only the parts of the 
>>>>>>>>> query plan
>>>>>>>>> we deem to be stable. With the mix-in approach, I don’t think we can
>>>>>>>>> guarantee the properties we want without a two-phase thing - I’d 
>>>>>>>>> really
>>>>>>>>> love to be able to just define a straightforward union type which is 
>>>>>>>>> our
>>>>>>>>> supported pushdown stuff, and then the user can transform and return 
>>>>>>>>> it.
>>>>>>>>> I think this ends up being a more elegant API for consumers, and
>>>>>>>>> also far more intuitive.
>>>>>>>>> James
>>>>>>>>> On Mon, 28 Aug 2017 at 18:00 蒋星博 <> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> +1 (Non-binding)
>>>>>>>>>> Xiao Li <>于2017年8月28日 周一下午5:38写道:
>>>>>>>>>>> +1
>>>>>>>>>>> 2017-08-28 12:45 GMT-07:00 Cody Koeninger <>:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Just wanted to point out that because the jira isn't labeled
>>>>>>>>>>>> SPIP, it
>>>>>>>>>>>> won't have shown up linked from
>>>>>>>>>>>> On Mon, Aug 28, 2017 at 2:20 PM, Wenchen Fan <
>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> > Hi all,
>>>>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>>>>> > It has been almost 2 weeks since I proposed the data source
>>>>>>>>>>>> V2 for
>>>>>>>>>>>> > discussion, and we already got some feedbacks on the JIRA
>>>>>>>>>>>> ticket and the
>>>>>>>>>>>> > prototype PR, so I'd like to call for a vote.
>>>>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>>>>> > The full document of the Data Source API V2 is:
>>>>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>>>>> -Z8qU5Frf6WMQZ6jJVM/edit
>>>>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>>>>> > Note that, this vote should focus on high-level
>>>>>>>>>>>> design/framework, not
>>>>>>>>>>>> > specified APIs, as we can always change/improve specified
>>>>>>>>>>>> APIs during
>>>>>>>>>>>> > development.
>>>>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>>>>> > The vote will be up for the next 72 hours. Please reply with
>>>>>>>>>>>> your vote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>>>>> > +1: Yeah, let's go forward and implement the SPIP.
>>>>>>>>>>>> > +0: Don't really care.
>>>>>>>>>>>> > -1: I don't think this is a good idea because of the
>>>>>>>>>>>> following technical
>>>>>>>>>>>> > reasons.
>>>>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>>>>> > Thanks!
>>>>>>>>>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>>>>>>>> ---------
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>> --
>> Ryan Blue
>> Software Engineer
>> Netflix

Ryan Blue
Software Engineer

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