Github user revans2 commented on the issue:
    So I just spoke with management here and did some quick back of the 
envelope planning and I think to unblock this we should support delegation 
token like functionality in storm.  This could potentially make life a lot 
simpler for all kinds of things.  Here and with DRPC, etc.
    I am willing to commit my team to make this happen, so I will file some 
JIRAs and try to put together a plan/architecture that hopefully others can 
    Once we have delegation tokens working the only real issue is going to be 
containerized supervisors.  I think we can support that by having the 
supervisor pick a free port in a configured range, and then include that port 
in it's heartbeat to nimbus.  We would also need a way to tell the workers what 
port to use to communicate with the supervisor.
    For me I really would like to be able to maintain the ability to run 0.10.x 
and 1.x topologies under a 2.x cluster.  I think this would only require still 
checking for heartbeats from zookeeper before scheduling which I don't think 
has been removed yet, so I am hopeful that it will work with the current patch.


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