You are right, for once.  I only speak for myself.  Those who are
unwilling to listen to others are condemned by their own choice to a
life of ignorance.

On 5/21/06, Kimani Darisha <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
To anyone following these thread, please ignore this fool.  He does
not speak for anyone, and is only here to confuse people.


On 5/21/06, Dakota Jack <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have seen no "very popular need".  This is like Bush-Speak.  Baloney
> parading as truth.
> On 5/21/06, Don Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > After talking with several on this list about the possibility of
> > combining the best of JSF and Action 2 in a unified framework from a
> > user perspective, I have completed a first cut at JSF support in Action
> > 2 with this loftly goal.
> >
> > From a user perspective, you still have one configuration file,
> > struts-action.xml, which maps urls to actions and actions to results.
> > However, you can optionally include the JSF interceptor stack and use
> > the JSF result, allowing you to use JSF components in the view.  You
> > still define alternative results the same way, still have an action
> > class per url, and can still use the normal GET-style navigation.
> >
> > From a framework perspective, I split the lifecycle class into
> > indivudal Action 2 interceptors, one per phase.  The final render phase
> > I turned into a Result.  Upon initialization, I replace the navigation
> > handler with one that simply records outcomes as if they were result
> > codes from an Action.  Also, the setup inserts a variable resolver that
> > exposes the action instance to the EL bindings.  Therefore, the flow
> > goes: determine action/namespace -> run normal interceptors -> run JSF
> > phases -> invoke JSF action (optional) -> invoke SAF2 action -> invoke
> > render phase.  The purpose of the Action then becomes as a general setup
> > for the page, much like the Shale pre-render hook.
> >
> > I chose this approach because I find the Action 2 controller stronger
> > (JSF was always meant as a view tech, as I understand it), so think it
> > better suited for navigation, state-less actions, and centralizing page
> > setup code.  JSF is better for complex single pages or page groups where
> > different stateful components might be needing to submit the page
> > without affecting others.
> >
> > To demonstrate this integration, I added a JSF tab to the showcase.  As
> > a sneak peek, here is the action mapping for a JSF page that edits an
> > employee:
> >
> >        <action name="employee"
> > class="org.apache.struts.action2.showcase.jsf.EmployeeAction">
> >             <interceptor-ref name="basicStack"/>
> >             <interceptor-ref name="jsfStack"/>
> >             <result name="success" type="jsf" />
> >             <result name="index" type="redirect-action">index</result>
> >         </action>
> >
> > Notice the default page is the JSF page, but other navigation is handled
> > by traditional Action 2 results.  Incidently, this means only POSTs for
> > real form submits and bookmarkable GETS everywhere else.
> >
> > I'm sure there is a lot of refinement to do, but I'm hoping this general
> > approach will solve the very popular need to combine the two frameworks
> > in a seamless way for the user.  I'm particularly interested in feedback
> > from the JSF folks, as I'm pretty new to the framework.
> >
> > Don
> >
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> --
> "You can lead a horse to water but you cannot make it float on its back."
> ~Dakota Jack~

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"You can lead a horse to water but you cannot make it float on its back."
~Dakota Jack~

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