Mark Phippard <> writes:

> On Thu, Jan 14, 2010 at 12:01 PM, Philip Martin
> <> wrote:
>> Paul Burba <> writes:
>>> -------
>>> [ fsfs | bdb ] x [ file | svn | http (neon) | http (serf) ]
>> You're the second person to show the serf tests passing on Windows.
>> Are you testing against the 1.6.8 server?  On Linux the server sends a
>> non-canonical URL that causes the client to abort.  Is the server
>> doing something different on Windows?
> Actually, all three of us that signed for Windows tested Serf with no
> errors.  I used 1.6.8 mod_dav_svn for this.
> We also had at least one Unix signature for 1.6.7 which tested Serf:

I don't understand. it.  The server generates baseline collection URLs
with a trailing slash (a DeltaV requirement?) in dav_svn__build_uri:

      return apr_psprintf(pool, "%s%s/%s/bc/%ld/%s",
                          href1, root_path, special_uri, revision, href2);

and I see the trailing slashes on wire.  The trunk client has a call
to svn_uri_canonicalize that is not present on the branch, so the
branch aborts. If I add a svn_path_canonicalize call the problem is
fixed.  How do some machines avoid the problem?


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