
Some time ago, in a separate email thread I was asked to try 1.10 client. I have been using it since, and today it showed an error during merge:

Checking r12300... done
Tree conflict on '<dir>':
Directory merged from
was deleted by <user> in r12300.
A directory which differs from the corresponding directory on the merge source branch was found in the working copy.
Select: (p) postpone, (r) accept current working copy state,
        (i) ignore incoming deletion, (a) accept incoming deletion,
        (h) help, (q) quit resolution: a
svn: warning: apr_err=SVN_ERR_WC_NOT_LOCKED
svn: warning: W155005: No write-lock in '/home/aneyman/work/merge-shmem/lynxsecure/src/rif'
subversion/svn/resolve-cmd.c:473: (apr_err=SVN_ERR_WC_CONFLICT_RESOLVER_FAILURE)
svn: E155027: Failure occurred resolving one or more conflicts

Using svn compiled from r1763039.

What happened: while 'svn merge' was waiting for response, I decided to find out if I had any local changes in the offending directory. In a separate shell, I ran 'svn log --stop-on-copy <dir>' and then 'svn diff -c REV <dir>', where REV is the revision reported by 'svn log' on that directory. After that, I accepted incoming deletion, but the client aborted the merge - see above.

On a separate note, the only revision reported on that directory by 'svn log' was a previous merge from ^/trunk. I am not sure how it made the ^/mybranch/<dir> different from ^/trunk/<dir> - IMO, they should've been identical. It would be helpful if 'svn merge' offered a verbose view on what it deemed different.


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