On 15.04.2018 14:52, Paul Hammant wrote:
> It would be cool if svn.exe (the client) could follow HTTP return code
> '302' during svn-co and svn-up operations.
> I'm thinking that this is just for GET* of resources, and that someone
> who's managed to _front_ their Mod_Dav_Svn with something that can do
> redirects for select resources. Say to resources in S3.
> (request)
> GET /repos/asf/!svn/rvr/1234/path/to/movie.mp4 HTTP/1.1
> Host: svn.example.com <http://svn.example.com>
> User-Agent: SVN/1.9.7 (x86_64-apple-darwin17.3.0) serf/1.3.9
> Accept-Encoding: gzip
> (response)
> 302 Found
> Location https://foobar.s3.amazonaws.com/1234/path/to/movie.mp4
> (subsequent request)
> GET 1234/path/to/movie.mp4 HTTP/1.1
> Host: foobar.s3.amazonaws.com <http://foobar.s3.amazonaws.com>
> User-Agent: SVN/1.9.7 (x86_64-apple-darwin17.3.0) serf/1.3.9
> Accept-Encoding: gzip
> (Amazon itself does more 302's here, probably)
> * You could make a general case that any (or more than just GET) of
> the HTTP methods could be redirectable but discussing GET is a narrow
> case for the sake of a debate.
> Also, you could make a case for 307 responses too -
> https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Status/307
> I'd go ahead a raise a Jira feature request, depending on the outcome
> of this debate, per dev-team rules.
> Thoughts?

The Subversion client already handles redirects when initiating HTTP(S)
connections to the server. So I'm not sure what else you'd want it to do.

-- Brane

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