On 15.04.2018 19:49, Paul Hammant wrote:
>     I'm still wondering what you're aiming for though. An obvious example
>     would be offloading resource content storage from the repository
>     server
>     to some other storage. But if you want to do that, relying on
>     redirects
>     is hardly a good option, since you'd be increasing the number of
>     requests and hence the latency. Transparent load balancing on the
>     server
>     side is probably a much better solution.
> Overall system throughput is what I'm aiming at - large payloads for
> thousands of users concurrently (and spread worldwide) are a focus for
> me - remember the timing info I was positing (sometime inaccurately I
> grant you) some months ago. Latency increasing (before a single GET
> starts streaming) isn't a worry for me.

Most of the time, what a Subversion client GETs from the server is a
delta from what it already has in the working copy to what the server
contains in its repository. That makes caching or CDN-like distribution
for those resources a tricky proposition, since every working copy is
potentially different.

Can you show some examples or perhaps measurements where such content
distribution would actually give a tangible benefit in actual use? The
only cases I can think of is when you use the repository with something
other than the Subversion client, or intentionally always without a
working copy.

-- Brane

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