On 07 Dec 2022, Evgeny Kotkov wrote:
Evgeny Kotkov <evgeny.kot...@visualsvn.com> writes:
I think that the `pristines-on-demand-on-mwf` branch is now ready for a merge to trunk. I could do that, assuming there are no objections.

+1, and thank you. Now, I haven't had time to do a real code review -- my manager hat gets tighter every year -- so my "+1" is mainly a sign of enthusiasm for the feature, and of general trust in our test suite and in everyone who has worked on this.


The branch includes the following:
– Core implementation of the new mode where required pristines are fetched
 at the beginning of the operation.
– A new --store-pristine=yes/no option for `svn checkout` that is persisted
 as a working copy setting.

+1 to this UI. We can offer other gateways to this feature later, but this is a clean & simple way to start out.

– An update for `svn info` to display the value of this new setting.


– A standalone test harness that tests main operations in both
 --store-pristine modes and gets executed on every test run.
– A new --store-pristine=yes/no option for the test suite that forces all
 tests to run with a specific pristine mode.

Very nice.
The branch passes all tests in my Windows and Linux environments, in both
--store-pristine=yes and =no modes.


While here, I would like to raise a topic of incorporating a switch from SHA1 to a different checksum type (without known collisions) for the new working copy format. This topic is relevant to the pristines-on-demand branch, because the new "is the file modified?" check relies on the checksum comparison, instead of comparing the contents of working and pristine files.

And so while I consider it to be out of the scope of the pristines-on-demand branch, I think that we might want to evaluate if this is something that
should be a part of the next release.

Good point.  Maybe worth a new thread?

Best regards,

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