Karl Fogel <kfo...@red-bean.com> writes:

> > While here, I would like to raise a topic of incorporating a switch from
> > SHA1 to a different checksum type (without known collisions) for the new
> > working copy format.  This topic is relevant to the pristines-on-demand
> > branch, because the new "is the file modified?" check relies on the
> > checksum comparison, instead of comparing the contents of working and
> > pristine files.
> >
> > And so while I consider it to be out of the scope of the pristines-on-
> > demand branch, I think that we might want to evaluate if this is something
> > that should be a part of the next release.
> Good point.  Maybe worth a new thread?

[Moving discussion to a new thread]

We currently have a problem that a working copy relies on the checksum type
with known collisions (SHA1).  A solution to that problem is to switch to a
different checksum type without known collisions in one of the newer working
copy formats.

Since we plan on shipping a new working copy format in 1.15, this seems to
be an appropriate moment of time to decide whether we'd also want to switch
to a checksum type without known collisions in that new format.

Below are the arguments for including a switch to a different checksum type
in the working copy format for 1.15:

1) Since the "is the file modified?" check now compares checksums, leaving
   everything as-is may be considered a regression, because it would
   introduce additional cases where a working copy currently relies on
   comparing checksums with known collisions.

2) We already need a working copy format bump for the pristines-on-demand
   feature.  So using that format bump to solve the SHA1 issue might reduce
   the overall number of required bumps for users (assuming that we'll still
   need to switch from SHA1 at some point later).

3) While the pristines-on-demand feature is not released, upgrading with a
   switch to the new checksum type seems to be possible without requiring a
   network fetch.  But if some of the pristines are optional, we lose the
   possibility to rehash all contents in place.  So we might find ourselves
   having to choose between two worse alternatives of either requiring a
   network fetch during upgrade or entirely prohibiting an upgrade of
   working copies with optional pristines.


Evgeny Kotkov

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