I found more incompatible changes :-(


I do not understand why you are opposing to changing the namespace with 2.0
release, while we have this sort of dangerous incompatibilities.


On Sun, Nov 21, 2010 at 6:43 AM, Sanjiva Weerawarana

> On Sat, Nov 20, 2010 at 8:58 PM, Ruwan Linton <ruwan.lin...@gmail.com>wrote:
>> Also, in general using namespaces to version XML schemas is generally
>>> considered bad practice.
>> I don't think we are doing a versioning of the synapse configuration
>> schema with the namespace, anyway most of
> Then what are you achieving with the namespace name change?
>> the other schemas, like (WSDL, XSLT) have different namespaces for
>> different versions. :-(
> Not correct .. WSDL 1.1 to 2.0 does do but in that case the languages and
> semantics are majorly different. The 2.0 language was also delivered by a
> whole different group instead of a small private club.
> XSLT was intentionally, carefully designed for "forwards compatibility" and
> has a "version" attribute:
> http://www.w3.org/TR/xslt#forwards
> <http://www.w3.org/TR/xslt#forwards>This was a James Clark masterpiece.
> Now see XSLT 2.0's section on backwards compatibility:
> http://www.w3.org/TR/xslt20/#backwards
>  <http://www.w3.org/TR/xslt20/#backwards>
>> Also there is more than the domain name or being a new TLP out from WS for
>> this namespace change, which is, that Synapse is more than web services and
>> it can handle many things apart from web services, as you know web services
>> is just one connector among many other connectors for mediation, and that is
>> why I do not want to limit the namespace to the ws.apache.org.
> Yes Synapse is much more than Web services. However, IMO, most users don't
> bother to give any quality time to looking at the namespace and making
> judgments based on that.
> I'm done pushing my position on this topic :).
> Sanjiva.
> --
> Sanjiva Weerawarana, Ph.D.
> Founder, Director & Chief Scientist; Lanka Software Foundation;
> http://www.opensource.lk/
> Founder, Chairman & CEO; WSO2; http://wso2.com/
> Founder & Director; Thinkcube Systems; http://www.thinkcube.com/
> Member; Apache Software Foundation; http://www.apache.org/
> Member; Sahana Software Foundation; http://www.sahanafoundation.org/
> Visiting Lecturer; University of Moratuwa; http://www.cse.mrt.ac.lk/
> Blog: http://sanjiva.weerawarana.org/

Ruwan Linton
Software Architect & Product Manager, WSO2 ESB; http://wso2.org/esb
WSO2 Inc.; http://wso2.org

Lean . Enterprise . Middleware

phone: +1 408 754 7388 ext 51789
email: ru...@wso2.com; cell: +94 77 341 3097
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