On 17.01.2013 10:05, Francesco Chicchiriccò wrote:
> On 17/01/2013 09:13, Jan Bernhardt wrote:
>> As Christian already stated, we have 4 developers currently with time
>> & budged to get the CXF migration done. We cannot delay this task
>> without massive re-planning time constrains...
> Sorry Jan, I don't think this fact is inline with community-driven
> development.
> This community discussed and established a roadmap with some releases
> [2]: this roadmap can be reviewed over time, of course, but it remains
> the driver for this project's activities, indeed.
> In the roadmap, the release 1.1.0 comes *before* 1.2.0, and we have
> currently agreed to proceed to the final CXF migration in the latter.
> Unfortunately, however, there is still plenty of issues to be closed
> for 1.1.0.
> I am personally happy that people is interested in making Syncope
> working with CXF and OSGi but I am sincerely worried of the fact that
> the actual core features - i.e. what Syncope does, not how it
> communicates with external or how it is deployed - and related
> documentation are left behind.
> I am also worried about the sentence reported by Christian below: "We
> currently have the plan to finish the CXF migration during the next
> 1.5 weeks with 4 developers.  The issue is a little urgent as from
> February on our normal product development team would like to take
> over and focus on making Syncope work nicely in OSGi."
> I hope this does not mean that you will disappear once the CXF
> migration is done, it would be very bad for Syncope.
> And, for my curiosity: who is the "normal product development team"?
> Are you part of it? Are the people from this team already part of this
> project (Syncope)?

I will explain a bit how our team structure is.

Andrei, Jan, Christian Schmüling and me are currently working on a large
project that will go for several years. So we are a bit separated from
normal product development. Still most we do will go into the open
source projects.
In fact I am only working 50% on the project and 50% in the Apache Team.
The rest of our people is either working on the Apache Team or in our
TESB Runtime Team. So while we are working on the same projects we have
different management and of course slightly different goals. From the
apache team your already know Jean Baptiste and Colm.

I fully agree that our internal committment (we are doing scrum) is not
always in line with community development and we are aware of that. As
syncope is community driven our internal plan of course can only be a
proposal for the community.

During our project we will be active in different communities over time.
So we will not always work on syncope but I am pretty sure that over
time we will continue to put considerable efforts into syncope.


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