Yes, I am available. I will provide you an export of our existing LDAP 
repository and pointers to our schemas. In answer to your questions below 
regarding id.a.o:

1) Yes, the current id.a.o app exclusively manages data in LDAP as a 
self-service tool.

2a) OpenLDAP
2b) A variety including some custom schemas which I will make available you 
along with the ldif.
2c) There are MANY processes and tools which read and write from LDAP.

The initial scope of the PoC should be to provision Syncope as an admin and 
end-user UI for maintaining attributes related to LDAP accounts (committers, 
staff) as a potential replacement for the <> 
service. Once we’ve explored the key functionality of a test/demo 
implementation, we can look at what it would take to replace the service in 
production, along with integrating other tools related to account creation.


> On Jan 9, 2017, at 3:59 AM, Francesco Chicchiriccò <> 
> wrote:
> Hi all,
> semi-formal "ping" for Infra guys: is there anyone available for supporting 
> this PoC? As said from the beginning, a fundamental requirement is to have 
> someone playing the customer role, otherwise any effort is pointless.
> Regards.
> On 19/12/2016 09:09, Francesco Chicchiriccò wrote:
>> Quick update:
>> 1. Pierre has submitted the first PR for puppet at
>> 2. I have just updated the PoC code to Syncope 2.0.1 (that's the second 
>> commit, exactly 1 year after fist one: time flies):
>> However, without someone from Infra providing info + specifications, there 
>> is no much more we can do.
>> Infra, please if you're there, knock once.
>> Regards.
>> On 16/12/2016 11:13, Francesco Chicchiriccò wrote:
>>> HI all,
>>> I am happy to report that the VM for the PoC was made available 
>>> ( - see INFRA-10931.
>>> I have been able to successfully access via SSH (sudo does not seem to 
>>> work, but nothing problematic about this ATM).
>>> I know from IRC that Pierre is at work to try to define a first Puppet 
>>> setup including JDK 1.8, Maven, Tomcat 8.5 and PostgreSQL.
>>> Besides such components, the setup process will also need to fetch and 
>>> build the Maven project from the dedicated GIT repository (see below).
>>> Now in fist place I think we should re-attempt to start discussing the 
>>> actual requirements of this PoC, and then the planning.
>>> This means, essentially, to gather some information from the infra team.
>>> I propose again to concentrate, from the list shown by Tony in [1], on the 
>>> first item, e.g. " (The end-user part of it)", which 
>>> triggers these first questions:
>>> 1. does the current app exclusively manage data from LDAP?
>>> 2. if so, could you provide some details:
>>>    a. which LDAP server implementation? OpenLDAP?
>>>    b. which object classes are in use? baseDN(s)?
>>>    c. which processes / tools are reading from LDAP? which are writing?
>>> In INFRA-10931, Greg proposed to provide an LDIF export of the production 
>>> LDAP servers so that we can setup a local detached copy which we could use 
>>> for tests.
>>> Looking forward to your reply.
>>> Regards.
>>> On 21/12/2015 17:16, Francesco Chicchiriccò wrote:
>>>> Hi all,
>>>> we now have our GIT repository at
>>>> which is also mirrored, as usual, to GitHub.
>>>> As you can see, I have made an initial commit featuring an empty default 
>>>> Syncope 2.0.0-SNAPSHOT setup.
>>>> Now, waiting for the VM to be available (see INFRA-10931), we can start 
>>>> defining what is actually going to be part of this PoC, and how we are 
>>>> going to implement the related features.
>>>> From the list showed by Tony in [1], I'd start with first item, e.g. 
>>>> " (The end-user part of it)".
>>>> Here are some questions:
>>>> 1. does the current app exclusively manage data from LDAP?
>>>> 2. if so, could you provide some details:
>>>>    a. LDAP architecture (replicas, load-balancing, ..)
>>>>    b. which LDAP server implementation? OpenLDAP?
>>>>    c. which object classes are in use? baseDN(s)?
>>>>    d. which processes / tools are reading from LDAP? which are writing?
>>>>    e. is there any test LDAP instance available? if not, is it possible to 
>>>> pre-load some data from the production instances in order to build a test 
>>>> instance in our development VM?
>>>> Please add questions if you see something missing.
>>>> Regards.
>>>> [1]
> --
> Francesco Chicchiriccò
> Tirasa - Open Source Excellence
> Member at The Apache Software Foundation
> Syncope, Cocoon, Olingo, CXF, OpenJPA, PonyMail

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