People will make their own opinions.  For me, your twitter posts crossed
the line.

On 2022/04/13 08:33:29 Marko Rodriguez wrote:
Thanks Florian.

It sucks, man. Really sucks. The Apache Board meddled in TinkerPop so as to
appease some voracious mob of anonymous Twitter fools. I contend that all
would have been averted had someone stood up and simply said:

"Comon guys. Yes, Marko is an odd fella with a twisted sense of humor, but
you are not going to use that against him (and thus, our project) to
satiate whatever you think you are going to gain by ruining his
relationship with TinkerPop. I suggest you drop this and move on with your

They are grown adults succumbing to childish “racist Nazi”-talk. Either
they lack wisdom or they bask in the easy power they can wield by adopting
the psychology of our sad, depressed, dopamine addicted adolescents. In
your lives, I urge you to standup to this “cancel culture” scourge.
Companies are being drained of talent, people fear their colleagues,
disillusionment and isolation are the symptoms of those afraid to speak
their mind. Your mind is all you have and every thought that passes through
it is valid, true, for it _exists_ and that is all the reason you need to
say: “I think, therefore I am right."

Take care y’all,

On Apr 13, 2022, at 1:57 AM, Florian Hockmann <>

Here is the final report I submitted to the board. I changed the structure a
bit as I've used the ASF Board Report Wizard for this which already suggests
a structure for board reports. This tool by the way also mentioned that we
should not simply include statistics like activity on mailing lists, but
only interpretations of those stats ("the story behind the metrics") if we
want to talk about them.

Stephen also informed me about gremlin-rs which has a very basic version of
a GLV for Rust and I mentioned the Discord events we had as they were also
in the last quarter.


## Description:

Apache TinkerPop is a graph computing framework for both graph databases

(OLTP) and graph analytic systems (OLAP).

## Issues:

There are no issues requiring board attention.

## Membership Data:

Community changes, past quarter:

- No new PMC members. Last addition was Joshua Shinavier on 2021-06-01.

- Mike Personick was added as committer on 2022-03-17. He has already

contributed great improvements around core aspects of Gremlin.

Stephen Mallette has decided to leave the PMC to focus on other aspects of

career. His contributions as a PMC member will be missed.

## Project Activity:

TinkerPop just released 3.5.3 and 3.6.0. Version 3.5.3 is mostly a

release. 3.6.0 represents a major release with breaking changes and a

of new features [1], including support for regular expressions directly in

Gremlin and better support for commonly used upsert-like functionality. The

default logging implementation in the distributions of Gremlin Server and

Gremlin Console was also changed in 3.6.0 from log4j 1.2.x to logback due to

the vulnerability CVE-2019-17571 [2].

These releases are accompanied by the first pre-release versions of

gremlin-go, making Gremlin natively available in Go which has been the

requested programming language for which we did not offer a Gremlin Language

Variant (GLV)[3] yet by users over the last years. Notable about this new

is also that it has not been developed by a single contributor but by a

of contributors who collaborated on this, an effort that was mostly led by

committer Lyndon Bauto.

### Releases:

3.5.3 was released on 2022-04-04.

3.6.0 was released on 2022-04-04.

3.4.13 was released on 2022-01-10.

3.5.2 was released on 2022-04-04.

## Community Health:

As already mentioned in the last board report, we are seeing growing

on our Discord server. We now had the first live events on Discord in the

quarter where Arthur Bigeard, developer of the Gremlin IDE G.V() [4],

a live demonstration of G.V().

We've learned that gremlin-rs [5], which is a Gremlin Language Variant for

Rust programming language, recently added support for some advanced

capabilities normally reserved for TinkerPop's official drivers. It is

interesting to note this growth in the wider TinkerPop community, as Rust,

after Go, is probably the next most requested programming language for

official support.

## Links






Von: Florian Hockmann <>
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 6. April 2022 11:53
An: '' <>
Betreff: [DISCUSS] Draft ASF Board Report - April 2022

Here is the attached draft of our board report for this quarter - please let
me know if there is anything to add or edit.


## Description:

Apache TinkerPop is a graph computing framework for both graph databases

(OLTP) and graph analytic systems (OLAP).

## Activity:

TinkerPop is currently in the process of releasing 3.5.3 and 3.6.0. Version
3.5.3 is mostly a maintenance release. 3.6.0 represents a major release with
breaking changes and a variety of new features, including support for
regular expressions directly in Gremlin and better support for commonly used
upsert-like functionality.

The default logging implementation in the distributions of Gremlin Server
and Gremlin Console will also be changed in 3.6.0 from log4j 1.2.x to
logback due to the vulnerability CVE-2019-17571 [1].

These releases will be accompanied by the first pre-release versions of
gremlin-go, making Gremlin natively available in Go which has been the
mostly requested programming language for which we did not offer a Gremlin
Language Variant (GLV)[2] yet by users over the last years.

Notable about this new GLV is also that it has not been developed by a
single contributor but by a group of contributors who collaborated on this,
an effort that was mostly led by committer Lyndon Bauto.

We have welcomed Mike Personick as a new committer who has already
contributed great improvements around core aspects of Gremlin.

## Issues:

There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.

## Releases:

- 3.4.13 (January 10, 2022)

- 3.5.2 (January 10, 2022)

## PMC/Committer:

- Last PMC addition was Kelvin Lawrence/Josh Shinavier - June 2021

- Last committer addition was Mike Personick - March 2022

## Links



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