On Tue, Apr 7, 2020 at 10:16 AM Mark Thomas <ma...@apache.org> wrote:

> My thinking was more along the following lines...
> Rewrite the Connector (and possibly some/all other components) so that

If we're talking about embedded, then the other components don't have the
problem. For example to create a context you can do new Context and add it
to a Host, there's no reflection. That's my basic understanding at least.
Personally, I dislike true embedded in favor of using server.xml and in
that case it's all reflection. Although the binary is "large" I haven't
noticed this was a problem.

> if a known class name was specified, rather than using the specified
> name directly via reflection we could do something like:
> if ("org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11NioProtocol".equals(className)) {
>     protocol = new Http11NioProtocol();
> } else if ("org...
>     ...
> } else {
>     // OK. Unrecognised class name. Use reflection
>     ...
> }
> Would that style of approach help at all?

I like it, so I'll work on that. I'll also clear up the AJP hack.


> Mark
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