I’ve discovered that the svn repo automatically converts .mdtext files to 
.html, so my conclusions about how much of tomee-site are currently published 
are wrong.  I’ll redo my calculations.

David Jencks

> On Feb 16, 2020, at 8:40 AM, David Jencks <david.a.jen...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I’d like some verification that my conclusions about content are reasonable….
> The content sources I know about are:
> tomee (7-8 docs and examples)
> tomee-site-generator (older content)
> tomee-site (?)
> My understanding is the site is published using svnpubsub, so that svn repo 
> reflects what is actually visible on the site.
> After doing some set arithmetic I’ve discovered that there is no content on 
> the current site necessarily from tomee-site; there’s a lot of overlap in 
> content between tomee-site and tomee-site-generator, but nothing from 
> tomee-site that is missing from tomee-site-generator is on the website.
> Is this reasonable?
> Is there anything from tomee-site not currently published that _should_ be 
> added to the site?  According to my calculations, there are about 445 pages 
> in tomee-site that aren’t currently published. 
> If anyone wants to study the situation, I recommend looking at my git repos 
> where all the content I’ve found is similarly organized, and the summary in 
> comparison.json 
> <https://github.com/djencks/tomee/blob/antora/docs/comparison.json>
> calculated using old-new-compare.js 
> <https://github.com/djencks/tomee/blob/antora/docs/old-new-compare.js>
> There’s also quite a bit of content with no source; as I’ve mentioned before 
> I think this is a never-cleaned-up leftover from a previous version of the 
> site.
> Thanks
> David Jencks
> ps. by “necessarily” I mean all the pages in svn that could have come from 
> tomee-site, could also have come from tomee-site-generator.  I don’t really 
> know where they actually came from, although I could probably calculate it.
> pps. For nitpickers: there may appear to be two unique files at tomee-site.  
> One, security/index, is the same as security/security; I’ve provided a 
> redirect.  The other, documentation, is some sort of site index or navigation 
> page, possibly generated.  I heavily edited the version in my repo before 
> realizing it was not needed as-is.

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