
I’d like some verification that my conclusions about content are reasonable….

The content sources I know about are:

tomee (7-8 docs and examples)

tomee-site-generator (older content)

tomee-site (?)

My understanding is the site is published using svnpubsub, so that svn repo 
reflects what is actually visible on the site.

After doing some set arithmetic I’ve discovered that there is no content on the 
current site necessarily from tomee-site; there’s a lot of overlap in content 
between tomee-site and tomee-site-generator, but nothing from tomee-site that 
is missing from tomee-site-generator is on the website.

Is this reasonable?

Is there anything from tomee-site not currently published that _should_ be 
added to the site?  According to my calculations, there are about 445 pages in 
tomee-site that aren’t currently published. 

If anyone wants to study the situation, I recommend looking at my git repos 
where all the content I’ve found is similarly organized, and the summary in 

calculated using old-new-compare.js 

There’s also quite a bit of content with no source; as I’ve mentioned before I 
think this is a never-cleaned-up leftover from a previous version of the site.

David Jencks

ps. by “necessarily” I mean all the pages in svn that could have come from 
tomee-site, could also have come from tomee-site-generator.  I don’t really 
know where they actually came from, although I could probably calculate it.

pps. For nitpickers: there may appear to be two unique files at tomee-site.  
One, security/index, is the same as security/security; I’ve provided a 
redirect.  The other, documentation, is some sort of site index or navigation 
page, possibly generated.  I heavily edited the version in my repo before 
realizing it was not needed as-is.

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