I’m also helping Aries move off CMS to an Antora site, and I may postpone 
working on the TomEE site more until that is more complete and I know more what 
to expect.

Two things we can expect here are

- a PMC vote to adopt Antora/git site publishing for parts of the site from CMS

- an infra ticket to set ??? up.

David Jencks

> On Aug 11, 2020, at 8:52 AM, David Jencks <david.a.jen...@gmail.com> wrote:
> David Blevins and I had a long chat about the history of OpenEJB/TomEE 
> documentation and I have a considerably different perspective now on the best 
> way forward.  I’d say the most fundamental shift is my realizing that even if 
> doing everything with Antora is the most elegant and efficient solution, it 
> may not be appropriate for TomEE because it involves extending the doc build 
> system with javascript, whereas TomEE developers are more likely to be 
> comfortable with java.  Learning a new language in order to improve or even 
> understand the doc build is too big a barrier.  I’m likely to continue to see 
> how, for instance, “marketing pages” and the tricks in the examples can be 
> implemented in Antora, but because I want to learn how to do those things 
> rather than because they are appropriate to use in TomEE.
> I think the following steps make sense:
> - versioned doc consolidation: There are now 5 copies of the “tomee” 
> versioned docs; one in common, and 4 identical copies done by asciidoc 
> includes.  Looking at one of these includes, it’s not very obvious how to 
> edit the page, and certainly having one copy in ‘common’ is silly.  So, the 
> “originals” should be moved to one of the versions.  The obvious choices are 
> 7.0.x and 8.0.x.  7 might make it more obvious that changing the doc will 
> change all 4 versions, but development is most convenient on master, 8.0.  To 
> make it easiest to locate the actual source, I’ll move the ‘original’ to 8.0. 
>  I hope that there will be a period of organization and improvement of the 
> existing content followed by writing new content.  After reorganization has 
> settled down it may make sense to replace the “include” copies with one or 
> two actual copies in the 7.0.x and 7.1.x branches so changes in master won’t 
> inadvertently affect older versions.
> - common doc consolidation.  The pages that show up in the common component 
> come from two repos: tomee-site-generator and tomee-site.  I don’t think it’s 
> a good idea to have content in the same repo as site generator code, so I’m 
> planning to  move the content in tomee-site-generator to tomee-site.  David 
> said something indicating that this may not be an appropriate location, so 
> perhaps a new repo would be appropriate…. I’ll investigate.  Also, this 
> content includes all the stuff that was previously in CMS and not served by 
> the current site build.  It’s apt to need a lot of editing, consolidation, 
> etc, and it’s possible that this entire component should not be produced by 
> Antora.  However, at the moment, the only place all the content is accessible 
> for consideration is in the Antora build, so I propose we leave it there for 
> now, organize it, and consider what to do with it afterwards.  One 
> possibility, since Antora deals well with multiple versions, is to have 
> something similar to the current common content minus the doc pages mentioned 
> above as a “historical content” component version with the “current common” 
> component version redirect to elsewhere.
> - examples.  I’ve accumulated a pile of asciidoc fixes for the READMEs and 
> I’ll see about getting them back to the master branch.
> - source directory structure.  David pointed out that the shorter the path to 
> the actual adoc files the more likely people are to find them…. I’ll see how 
> much the path can be shortened.
> - publishing.  It’s very tempting to work hard to create a highly unified 
> site where the Antora and non-antora pieces are indistinguishable, however 
> that may not be the best plan here.  One of the persistent problems with 
> documentation is that no one likes to work on it.  Any complexity or 
> difficulty is likely to deter people from contributing.  A unified site would 
> need a way for all the pieces of the site build to not step on each other, 
> which could be hard to maintain.  It may well be simpler to have two sites, 
> one containing the front page, “marketing material”, possibly eventually the 
> “common” component, the examples, and the other the Antora generated docs.  
> This requires more investigation but the two-site approach is very attractive 
> as reducing “friction”.
> Possibly this can lead quickly to actually getting the Antora portion of the 
> site published soon.
> Thanks,
> David Jencks
>> On Aug 10, 2020, at 1:44 PM, David Jencks <david.a.jen...@gmail.com 
>> <mailto:david.a.jen...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>> The reason Antora has a separate front page is that Dan didn’t write 
>> asciidoctor-openblock <https://gitlab.com/djencks/asciidoctor-openblock>. 
>> Since I did, it’s easy to have a front page generated by Antora. He’s known 
>> about this possibility for at least  5 years, but never found the time or 
>> motivation to do it.
>> If you have specific complaints about the front page I wrote, please air 
>> them rather than ignoring my request for feedback.
>> Could you be extremely specific about what you want generated by Antora and 
>> what by tomee-site-generator and what by some other unnamed tool?  Are there 
>> parts of the current antora preview site that you think should not be 
>> generated by Antora? (I expect to add examples to the preview shortly, but 
>> we can discuss that separately).
>> thanks
>> David Jencks
>>> On Aug 10, 2020, at 1:09 PM, David Blevins <david.blev...@gmail.com 
>>> <mailto:david.blev...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>>>> On Jul 14, 2020, at 7:34 PM, David Blevins <david.blev...@gmail.com 
>>>> <mailto:david.blev...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>>>> I think there are two gaps we need to understand to have a better 
>>>> conversation about using Antora
>>>> - Eliminating the Apache CMS from our lives.  This is the biggest blocker 
>>>> to any true progress.  The only reason our site doesn't automatically 
>>>> update now is because we're using the Apache CMS which has a manual 
>>>> publish step that takes about an hour of machine time and periodic manual 
>>>> checking/poking during that time.
>>>> - Understanding `tomee-site-generator` isn't an enemy to Antora and 
>>>> doesn't need to die or be eliminated.  Among other things, we use it to 
>>>> generate asciidoc content when and where we can.  It will most likely need 
>>>> to run just before Antora.  Antora would be building some mix of manually 
>>>> created docs and some generated docs.  If Antora is not capable of 
>>>> committing generated files to git, then `tomee-site-generator` is where we 
>>>> would do that work.
>>>> I recommend we first eliminate the Apache CMS so we have a hands-free 
>>>> setup.  Then I recommend we make it so the `tomee-site-generator` maven 
>>>> project is the thing that kicks off and runs Antora.
>>> I've been doing some research and have some revised thoughts on how we 
>>> could potentially proceed with this.
>>> Being terse as possible so we can try to get this out of discussion/debate 
>>> mode and into action mode.
>>> Many Antora users, including Antora.org <http://antora.org/> itself, seem 
>>> to use this pattern and I think it's probably the one we want.
>>> - https://antora.org/ <https://antora.org/>       -> Built with a general 
>>> purpose tool (Middleman+Asciidoc)
>>> - https://docs.antora.org/ <https://docs.antora.org/>  -> Built with Antora
>>> - https://getfedora.org/ <https://getfedora.org/>           -> Built with a 
>>> general purpose tool 
>>> - https://docs.fedoraproject.org/ <https://docs.fedoraproject.org/>  -> 
>>> Built with Antora
>>> - http://pinot.apache.org/ <http://pinot.apache.org/>         -> Built with 
>>> a general purpose tool 
>>> - https://docs.pinot.apache.org/ <https://docs.pinot.apache.org/>   -> 
>>> Built with GitBook
>>> - https://www.mulesoft.com/ <https://www.mulesoft.com/>        -> Built 
>>> with a general purpose tool
>>> - https://docs.mulesoft.com/ <https://docs.mulesoft.com/>       -> Built 
>>> with Antora
>>> If we did this pattern we could probably get it done by end of week:
>>> - https://tomee.apache.org/ <https://tomee.apache.org/>        -> Built 
>>> with tomee-site-generator as is now
>>> - https://docs.tomee.apache.org/ <https://docs.tomee.apache.org/>   -> 
>>> Built with Antora
>>> We would request a new repo not connected to the CMS for 
>>> docs.tomee.apache.org <http://docs.tomee.apache.org/> and have David push 
>>> directly to it right now.  David can lead that effort and just inform us on 
>>> how it goes.
>>> We would then make the "Documentation" navigation item of tomee.apache.org 
>>> <http://tomee.apache.org/> point to docs.tomee.apache.org 
>>> <http://docs.tomee.apache.org/>.  We'd still move it off the CMS, but I'm 
>>> happy to do the lifting on that.
>>> I greatly prefer this approach to either 1) endlessly debating tools or 2) 
>>> holding up David's work any longer.
>>> There would still be room for debate, but that debate could happen using 
>>> the staging capabilities of the git-based solution.  I think we'd be in an 
>>> overall better position to introduce more changes with everyone on equal 
>>> footing.
>>> Thoughts?
>>> -David

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