Always +1 on standardization and consistency

I still want to circle back and setup project/kanbans for organizing tickets in 

Ryan Durfey    M | 303-524-5099
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From: Dewayne Richardson <>
Reply-To: "" 
Date: Wednesday, January 31, 2018 at 11:15 AM
To: "" 
Subject: Github PR/Issues Format Templates

I was working through the go-swagger repo and found a bug.  I submitted a
new issue and found this interesting approach I think the TC github should
adopt, "Issue and PR Templates".  I think the main value here is
consistency in our PRs/Issues and user friendly prompts to say "these are
the data points we need to help you solve your issue".

Working example:

Github Doc on how to implement templates:

If we think it's a good idea, then I'll respond with some examples for
Issues and PR's that we can discuss.


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