----- Original Message -----
> Hey folks,
> I've added a bunch of bugs to backport for 3.2.1
>    http://s.apache.org/ts-3.2.1
> I'd like to see some votes on this to cut and tag a
> release until Friday.

Hey there,

I did a first bunch of backports, the results of whic
you can see here;


Now a word on the process: It's PITA.

I know *why* we now clone the issues in Jira, but that doesn't
make it easier to actually go through all the hoops:

* Propose a patch + Jira#
* Vote on it
* Accept it -> clone it
* remove Backport for $version from old bug
* now we track a different issue in STATUS or at least in CHANGES

BUT, many patches include an update to CHANGES, one way or the other

* change CHANGES/STATUS to reflect the new Jira#
* Commit/Make sure the commit message reflects the right Jira#
* Make sure you don't fuck up anywhere.
* Close cloned bug with new SHA1 sum(s).

I'd like to hear some feedback from someone who tries to
do a couple of backports themselves.

One of my ideas is that whoever adds a third +1, or moves
the patches from proposed to accepted, creates the clone in
jira, mangles STATUS and removes the old bug's backport.

But that puts a lot of work on the some people, and might
keep votes low :-S

Well, that's all from me,

So long,


Igor Galić

Tel: +43 (0) 664 886 22 883
Mail: i.ga...@brainsware.org
URL: http://brainsware.org/
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