Hi guys,

Thorsten Behrens wrote:
Eike Rathke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

A specialized parser could almost certainly be faster than the general
SAX parser passing strings back and forth. I wouldn't do it with
lex/yacc though, they're a nightmare to maintain, and in case wrong code
was generated, which can happen, you're almost lost. I'd prefer
boost::spirit instead, but it might be even more work to implement the
parser. I've no idea though whether boost::spirit would be suitable to
parse an ODF tree.

hm. I'd profile a larger test case beforehand - spirit is a recursive
parser vs. yacc being table-driven. But OTOH, maybe contemporary
optimizers are able to compensate for that. And I'd definitely bump
our boost to 1.33, then - spirit (and lots of other stuff) has been
improved a lot.

At least in theory an unlimited (in the sense of programming language constructs etc.) parser generator, as yacc, should be better than a limited one, as boost::spirit. I know, that in practice the gcc C++ parser, which was AFAIK originally a bison generated parser, has been replaced by a hand written one. Which seems to show that bison does _not_ generate optimal code.

Reaching the point where the parser becomes the main bottleneck, we should try out independent implementations, using boost::spirit and bison/yacc. Personally, I am a fan of domain oriented prog. languages and therefor would favor bison. But certainly would be open for everything fast&clean :-)


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