Hi Andrew,

Andrew Richards wrote:

> Hello all,
> I am trying to identify if it is possible to use uno/udk and java to import
> a .doc file and export it as a .tiff file?
> I have seen serveral examples of how to persit files but i cant see if what
> i am trtying to achieve is possible. Could i use uno/udk and java to import
> the .doc file, export  the file to a pdf using a filter and then use draw
> maybe to open the pdf and export the pdf as a .tiff file?

That might work in the limits the pdf import filter sets. And you have
to export each page individually, either by selecting the pages in the
view and export the file (will export current page only) or by using the
GraphicExporter and iterating over pages.

> I need todo this as part of a java application, is what im trying to achieve
> possible and using uno/udk? What would performance be like?

It would be better and easier to render arbitrary parts of a document to
any graphical format (also by iterating over the pages). I think it's
possible, but I have to try it out before I can post the code here.


Mathias Bauer (mba) - Project Lead OpenOffice.org Writer
OpenOffice.org Engineering at Sun: http://blogs.sun.com/GullFOSS
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