Hi Andrew,

Andrew Richards wrote:

> Thanks Mathias,
> I am doing this as part of a j2ee application so I guess I would need to use
> the GraphicExporter as your suggest and iterate over the pages. I assume
> this would allow me to export each page including its text and graphics as
> an image?

I have to dig out the code, but what I have in mind is getting the
XRrenderable interface from the loaded document, render each page to an
output device and then get the conten from the output device as an
image. I don't remember exactly, but possible you can get only a
(Windows) Bitmap that way, but this can be converted to a TIFF with
either external tools or with a conversion service of OOo.

> Peter Eberlein kindly suggested embedding a doc-file into an empty draw
> document as an OLE-object and then exporting the draw document as a tiff but
> I'm not sure if I can do this programmatically yet.

I think that is posssible, but even if you make the OLE object as big as
possible, you are also limited to import each draw page individually. So
you have to hack your doc file into single pages and insert them one by
one on a new draw page - looks awkward to me.

> Any ideas which approach would be best?

If you want to try something, go for the "XRenderable" API, we use it
ourselves for the PDF export. I have no code here yet and I might need
some days to find something - but perhaps you can find it by trying. Or
you ask on the [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list that BTW better fits to your
topic anyway.


Mathias Bauer (mba) - Project Lead OpenOffice.org Writer
OpenOffice.org Engineering at Sun: http://blogs.sun.com/GullFOSS
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