Submitted an INFRA Jira request for this:

On 8/19/2019 11:37 AM, Marshall Schor wrote:
> Hi,
> There's currently a Jira issue
> to do some svn work to merge the uimaj v2 and v3 repositories.
> Now that we have new versions of both uimaj v2 and v3 recently released, I'm
> thinking of skipping that Jira, and doing this instead:
> 1) converting the uima-uimaj existing git read-only-mirror repo to a git
> read/write repo.
> 2) once that happens, updating it by adding to it the data from the existing
> uima-uimaj-v3 existing git read-only-mirror, initially as a branch named 3.
> 3) renaming the master branch to the 2.x branch; renaming the 3.x branch to be
> master, to reflect that the main new dev work is in the 3.x stream.
> Does this sound reasonable?  Have I overlooked something important?
> -Marshall

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