There are some developments unfolding in the near future that might
help out on the future of our wicketstuff server and/or its
infrastructure. I don't have the full details to those plans yet, and
don't know if they entail a build server of some sorts.

I'm perfectly happy with switching to hudson—we use it at work and it
has been a godsend compared to the other available solutions (though I
still don't like the UI).

I hope we can wait a (couple of) week(s) and see the future plans
unfold to see what the details are, especially with respect to a build
server. I'll ask around to see if it is part of that deal.


On Wed, Jul 21, 2010 at 4:06 AM, Michael O'Cleirigh
<> wrote:
> Hello,
> I've been using Hudson reliably to build wicketstuff core snapshot's and
> deploying them into the sonatype maven repository.  I put together an older
> machine for this purpose (P4 1.8Ghz) and while it worked at first recently
> there have been memory issues (at least one of the DDR1 DIMM's is bad and
> the JVM keeps crashing).   I have the builds running temporarily somewhere
> else but the long term solution is to run Hudson on a box that can be opened
> up to the other wicketstuff developers.
> My proposal is to replace TeamCity on with Hudson and then
> do the necessary setup to allow wicketstuff developers access to it for
> initiating builds and viewing the projects status.
> I am willing to do all of the necessary setup and configuration to make this
> happen; basically copying over what I have working right now plus adding in
> user authentication.
> The easiest way would be if I could get a user account on the
> server (at least initially) and then get everything setup.
> There are still some questions around if the box is still
> banned by sourceforge but I think the best way to find out the answer is to
> try and see what happens.
> Regards,
> Mike

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