I've started a vote some time ago about this (somewhere in april), and it was 
decided not to move to servlet 3 for wicket 6. Wicket itself does not (yet) 
require it, and users are free to use a servlet 3 container. Even if some part 
of wicket requires servlet 3, you can have that part depend on servlet 3 and 
leave the main dependency on 2.5.

Best regards,

On Wednesday 22 August 2012 23:31:11 Martijn Dashorst wrote:
> On Wed, Aug 22, 2012 at 10:48 PM, Martin Grigorov <mgrigo...@apache.org> 
> > I still see no reason to require Servlet 3.0.
> > Wicket runs fine on servlet 3.0 containers and you can use some of the
> > features from 3.0, but I don't believe that you will add some code to
> > Wicket that will make big benefit for the users next week. I guess you
> > will just add an item to the migration page that Wicket requires
> > Servlet 3.0 and this will scare half of the users out there, as you
> > did with Wicket 1.5/Servlet 2.5 :-)
> The issue is that 6.x will probably live for quite a while, and if we
> actually want to use stuff that is native to servlet 3, we will have
> painted ourselves into a corner. I thought that websockets required
> servlet 3, so when we move them out of experimental phase, IIUC they
> can only be added into wicket 7 (my quick try showed that servlet 3
> breaks some codeā€“didn't investigate too much further).
> > Stop looking for excuses to build Wicket 6.0.0! Do it! :-)
> Still shaving a yak (or rather: upgrading most dependencies in parent-pom)!
> Martijn

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