To add another point to the discussion:

IMHO (I)ChoiceRenderer in 7.x is broken anyway.
As long as the user has to implement #equals() in his model objects *or* override #getModelValue(), the choice renderer API is not yet complete:

    public String getModelValue()
        final T object = getModelObject();
        if (object != null)
// >>> #indexOf() might be inefficient or fail depending on the #equals() implementation <<<<<
            int index = getChoices().indexOf(object);
            return getChoiceRenderer().getIdValue(object, index);
            return "";

I wonder whether (I)ChoiceRenderer is taking the wrong direction: It's meant to control the rendering of choices (hence its name). Everything else could be made (or already is) adjustable via protected methods in the choice component.


On 02/26/2014 04:44 PM, Martin Grigorov wrote:
As Martijn explained all that is needed is:
- s/implements/extends/
- remove the leading 'I' from IChoiceRenderer

If the interface is preserved then all custom impls will have to add
implementation of the new method introduced with WICKET-663. This IMO will
lead to more work for the application developers.

As I said: I am not against restoring the interface, just don't see its

Martin Grigorov
Wicket Training and Consulting

On Wed, Feb 26, 2014 at 5:37 PM, Guillaume Smet <>wrote:

On Wed, Feb 26, 2014 at 4:33 PM, tetsuo <> wrote:
Because... it's an unnecessary breaking change?
 From what I understand of your previous post, you implements some of
your converters in Enums, which you can do because IChoiceRenderer is
currently an interface. And you won't be able to do it if it's a

Am I right?

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