Ok, I will release 8.3.0 and 7.11.0 as this seems to be the most popular option.

Thank you!

On 21/01/19 09:24, Martin Grigorov wrote:

On Sun, Jan 20, 2019 at 9:49 PM Andrea Del Bene <an.delb...@gmail.com>


I think it's time to share some ideas about future releases and
developments. Here we go:

- Wicket 8 and 7:  I see we have a decent amount of changes targeted for

+1 to release 8.3.0


This is not the case for version 7.x, which doesn't have yet many issues
solved for the next version 7.11.0

Should we consider to release 8.3 and 7.11.0 or do you think we'd better
wait for the 7.x version to reach a "critical mass" of changes?

+1 to release 7.11.0 because of the update of commons-fileupload to 1.4

- Wicket 9: after we close "Wicket-6563 page store implementation"
(https://github.com/apache/wicket/pull/283) I think we could consider to
release the first milestone for Wicket 9. Sounds good to you?


Speaking of future developments for Wicket 9, I've got (so far) a couple
of nice-to-have:

- Use Java modularization (project Jigsaw): we should work to fully
embrace the new modularization framework. If I remember correctly Martin
has done some work with automatic modules but I can't find the exact
commit at the moment.

I cannot find it either! Somehow it got lost!
http://branchandbound.net/blog/java/2017/12/automatic-module-name/ - this
article explains the required changes.

But apart from this minimal change I am not sure we should go fully Jigsaw.
Many libraries still do not support Java 9 modules -
Servlet specification is not updated to make use of Jigsaw and the web
containers do not make use of it.

- Dismiss utility classes Time and Duration: Wicket still heavily use a
couple of classes from package org.apache.wicket.util.time: Time and
Duration. These classes are virtually equivalent to java.time.Instant
and java.time.Duration. I'm aware that this is not a trivial task and
it's quite delicate, but I'd really like to not depend on custom code
for tasks like time and dates that are well supported by Java. For those
who are interested I've started to make some experiment with this task
and the results are very encouraging as most of the changes are in-place
replacements of the old classes with the standard entities. You can find
the code here: https://github.com/bitstorm/wicket/tree/remove-time-utils

+1 if the migratiin is easy
The Wicket classes should stay as deprecated for the lifetime of 9.x though

That's all, let me know what do you think!

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